I will fight for US

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[Foreword for not familiar to Turkish terms:

Abla - sister
Can- pronounce as Jan
Anne- mama
Baba- dad
Ablacim- dear sister
Cim - dear ]


Sanem was still reeling with the shock of Can not remembering her.
His family and her sister felt sorry for her but they couldn't do anything about it.
They only assured her of what the doctor had said.
That memories will come back and it's just temporary.
They tried to asked her to go home but she refused.
She said she will but she'll talk to his doctor first.
They also said to her that Can wanted to rest as he was having a headache.
So they went and left her.

Sanem, with the thought of him sleeping went back to his room.
She peep-toed, afraid that he might wake him up.
Afraid that he might reject her if he knows she's there alone with him.
But seeing him peacefully sleeping gave her courage to go inside.

With the tears in her eyes and a pain in her heart she touched his hair.
She spoke to him with littlest voice she has as so not to wake him.
"Can. I love you so much" she said sobbing.
"Do you know that this was my greatest fear? For you to forget about me? When we were apart for a year, I kept on thinking about that. With your sudden disappearance? I was afraid you really had forgotten me and our love. I thought back then that our feelings for each other might just be my imaginations. That it wasn't true. But you came back. You came back for me. You came back because you still love me. You came back because you said, even for a year that we were apart, you only thought of me. That I was there with you, all the time. I may haven't tell you back then but that was just one of the best things you've told me. I was afraid to let my guard down back then, but my love for you was already bursting. Your love for me gave me so much strength and courage. You're the first one who believed in me and my dreams. You're the first one that really understood me. The way you looked at me felt like I'm the most precious girl in the world. You've been my inspiration. You're the first that really love me that's why I love you so much Can. You are my albatross.

But now what? The way you just looked at me when you woke up from this horrendous accident was very painful.
Now, for you I am a stranger.
I'm afraid I won't be able to be used to that.
You spoke to me like I'm someone you just met and I felt like I just died again and again.
I am not in your eyes.
I am not in your soul and I am afraid
I am not in your heart anymore." She is sobbing now while talking to him but she cannot stop. She cannot help herself anymore she's just pouring her heart out there thinking he's sleeping peacefully.

"But I love you so much Can.
You might not remember me but you're still tattooed in my heart.
You may not remember our love, but it was a best selling love story that will never be forgotten.
I believe this will just be a temporary setback to our story.
I believe this is just another trial for us to have our happily ever after.
I believe that if we surpassed this, we will live the greatest love story of all time.
So I'm vowing to myself that I'll fight for you Can.
I'll fight for me.
I'll fight for us.
I'll fight for our love.
I'll fight until our romantic comedy story that you don't remember will have a happy ending.
I'll fight until our life flash back in front of your eyes like a movie tape.
I'll not let our love movie that started in dark lodges get buried in empty ones.

I will not get tired.
Until you remember, I'll act again and again.
I'll lean on your shoulder and watch it a thousand of times.
Until you remember, I'll fight for us."

With that renewed courage, she left the room.

Little did she know, Çan was awake the whole time.
He was awake the moment she entered the room.
He knew it was her.
The girl his family said lived a tremendous love with him.
He knew it was her because her scent was already tattooed in him.
His mind might be chaotic with the memories he lost but not his sense of smell.
Her scent was very familiar to him.
Even when she's sleeping in his bedside he can smell her and knew that he loves that smell.
Her smell.

That's why he knew it was her coming back to his room with just her smell.
He pretended to be sleeping as he too didn't know what or how to react on her.

This tremendous love his family was telling him felt foreign to him so he just didn't know where to begin with her.

Good thing she didn't mind too.
So he just listened to her.
And he listened well.
He listened with an open heart he felt her pain.
He listened with an open heart he admired her courage.
He listened with an open heart and I think he understood.

He understood...........

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