Who are you?

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[Foreword for not familiar to Turkish terms:

Abla - sister
Can- pronounce as Jan
Anne- mama
Baba- dad
Ablacim- dear sister
Cim - dear ]


One month and a half after the accident.

Sanem was waking up from her nap on his bedside when she felt like someone's watching her.
She looked up to Can and was happily surprised that he's awake.
She couldn't moved, it felt like something was forbidding her to move her muscles.
She couldn't breathe, it felt like the air was stocked in her lungs.
Then realizations hit her and suddenly called out the doctor with the tears flowing in her eyes.

She went to him while waiting for the doctor to arrive.
"Can, are you okay?" She asked.
But he was just looking at her.
"Do you know where you are?" She asked again.

"Water" he groggily said.
"What?" She didn't catch what he just said.

"Water" he said and this time Sanem understood him. But she cannot just give him anything because she has to wait for the doctors' approval of that.

So Sanem told him. "Let's just wait for the doctor okay, they'll be here in a second."
He nod on that.

Sanem could already feel that something wasn't right with the way he was looking at her but she let it go as he just woke up from one and half month coma.

The doctor together with the nurses with a cup of water and a straw arrived.
They'd checked on him.
Congratulated him on coming back to them.
And the nurse gave him the water.
While they're doing that, Sanem called his family and also her sister and gave them the good news.
They'd promised to rush on the hospital soon.

Sanem came back to the room with a still groggy Can.
"Hi" she said smiling to him.
"Hi" he said formally.

Again, Sanem caught that something wasn't right on him.

The doctor asked Can some question about his body, if he's feeling pain or something.
"Just a little headache" he said.

"Do you know where you are now?" The doctor asked.
"In a hospital I assume?" Can said.
"Yes you are in a hospital." Said the doctor.
"Why? How?" He asked.

"We were in an accident almost two months ago and you were in a coma after that." - Sanem inserted.

"We?" He asked curiously.

But Sanem's mind already reeling that something is indeed not right. Before she can ask the doctor, Emre, Can's brother together with his wife and Sanem's sister Leyla and Aziz, their father, Huma their mother arrived.

Can's face suddenly light up seeing his father and brother. But change upon seeing his mother.
Everyone's congratulating him of coming back to them.

After awhile;

"Baba" Can to Aziz.
"Yes, Çan?" - said Aziz.
"I'm confused" he said. Then look up to where Sanem was silently watching them and asked;
"She said, "We" were in an accident. How? Why?"

Sanem went to him and asked.
"Can, what's the first thing that came to your mind you think that happened?"

"I was with my dad in the backstage as we were preparing for the 40th anniversary of the agency"

Everyone went on silent.
Sanem with tears in her eyes but forbid herself to let it fall dared to ask him.

"Do you know who am I?" He just stared at her blankly.

"Who are you?" He said.

That let her tears fell. She couldn't take it. She couldn't believe it. He doesn't know her. She was so shocked she ran out of the room. Leyla followed her.
She suddenly stopped in the hallway sobbing.
Leyla went to her and hugged her fiercely.

"Sanem, we don't know yet. Maybe he was just shock from waking up." She tried to console her.

"Abla he doesn't recognize me. I am his Sanem and he asked "who am I"? Do you have any idea how painful was that Abla? I feel like I'm dying again" she cried to her sister.

Meanwhile, in Can's room Aziz asked him what did he think the year was at the moment and he said.

They were all shocked to hear that, so the doctor explained to them it's because of  his earlier brain damage and swelling the temporary memory is expected. But it's just temporary and as the day goes by, he'll gain all that memories back so they don't have to worry. The doctor leave them after that.

Can with a confused mind asked his father again.

"Baba, that girl here before, was she really in an accident with me? Why?"

"Can, that's Sanem. She is the love of your life. She's everything for you." - His dad said.

Can couldn't fathom that knowledge.
In his mind. "Did I fell in love that deep that my father would think of someone as "everything for me?" That's impossible." He thought.

"But what about Polen" - He asked with the thought of her as his "still" girlfriend.

"Brother, the moment you met Sanem, you broke up with her. You shared this tremendous love with Sanem that Polen didn't even had a chance." - Emre stated.

Can's mind got a heavy headache while absorbing that information. He really can't just understand that. But he remembered that when he woke up for the first time again, he felt intrigued with the woman sleeping in his bedside. He was afraid to move to wake her but for him she seemed familiar he just couldn't figure out why. Now, that he realized that, maybe unconsciously he couldn't remember her, but his subconscious already telling him his connections to her. But tremendous love? Seriously? Him? Çan Divit? Felt a tremendous love with someone? Impossible. Just impossible. That thinking is giving him a headache that he asked his family if he can rest for awhile.

They'd left him after that.

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