Chapter 7

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Naruto POV

I was waking up from what felt like a very long nap and I didn't notice where I was and started to panic.
When I was about to sit up I felt something around my waist. I looked to my right to see someone sleeping beside me. It took me a second to process who it was but soon after I found out it was sasuke.
I was shocked to find myself in the same bed as sasuke with his arms around my waist. I felt the heat rise to my face And found myself forgetting about all of my worries.
I felt... safe in his arms like he was going to protect me. I don't know what came over me but my body moved on it's own and I found myself snuggled in his arms and my head Buried in his chest. I soon found myself getting drowsy, and I fell asleep like that.

~time skip~

I woke up again in that position, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and luckily he was still asleep still so I tried to get out of the bed to avoid the awkwardness but he had a tight grip on me but after a few minutes of trying to get out I did it. I didn't know what to do after so I decided to wake him up.

No one POV

As the tired uchiha was waking up the blonde was waiting for him to be fully awake.after about five minutes naruto decided to speak up.
"Sasuke, I have something really important to tell you."
The uchiha then nodded acknowledging naruto's statement.
"Now that I'm finally with you in Pearson I want you to come back to the leaf village"
Sasuke sighed as if he knew naruto would bring this up.
"No Sasuke I'm not done yet."
Sasuke sat there waiting for naruto to say something again.
"I know your probably going to say no but I want you to listen to me before you decide.
The day that we fought at the valley of the end I was so scared because I didn't want you to go. When you told me that I was your one best friend that only brought me closer to you. It made me want to save you more and I soon realized that I wasn't going to bring you back just for sakura I was going to risk my life to bring you back for my sake as well. I wanted you to stay with me in the leaf village because I don't think that I've ever had a bond like ours with anyone except for you. Yes I do have bonds with other friends but it's not like ours. When I wasn't able to bring you back I felt like I had lost half of myself, like I wasn't whole. I went in a depressed state and I didn't feel like myself but when it was time for me to train with jiraiya I was determined to get stronger so I could take you back to the leaf village."
Naruto had paused in his explanation of why he wanted to take Sasuke back to the leaf village
"The whole time I was training with him I only really thought of you Sasuke. You were the thing that kept me going. I kept thinking that you were so much stronger that me so I kept pushing myself over my limits, only thinking about you. I thought of all of our moments we shared together, all of our little fights and arguments and how stupid I was back then.
I would always bring up fights of the littlest things"
Naruto paused again looking at the floor he could feel his tears rising to his eyes
"While I was gone, I realized that..... I love you Sasuke"
With those four words Sasuke was shocked and happy.
Sasuke had loved naruto the first time he had even talked to him.
To hear those words come from naruto he was overjoyed and started to tear up himself. He quickly embraced naruto into a hug tightly
"I love you too naruto."
Those words got to naruto and he started to cry even more.
Naruto hugged Sasuke back and started to cry into his shoulder.
The two boys were just sitting there crying to each other while hugging.

698 words
Phew that was a lot to write!
I had some trouble with this because I didn't really know how to make Naruto confess his feelings towards Sasuke. It took me a while but I was finally able to do it yay!
Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day/night!

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