Chapter 2

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June 23rd

The next morning, I was sitting and looking at my horse, Moon. She was called that because she had something that looked like a halfmoon on her back. I was very hungry, so I walked to the cook, Mr. Adams' wagon and got myself a snack.

Mr. Adams was an old grey-haired man who made delicious food. It didn't look like he had a lot of provisions, so I thought that I would go hunt a deer or two and surprise him. I got my bow from Moon and went to ask Javier if he would go with me.

"Yes, I will go hunting with you, if you will go with me tomorrow and rob a homestead. I think we can get a lot of money from there." He tried convincing. "Okay." I sighed. Homesteads weren'texactly the most fun thing to rob since we would usually do it when no one was home. I just really wanted him to come with me. "Then go get your bow."

A few minutes later, we were on our horses, on the way into the forest. "I think I see some tracks. They go this way. Off your horse. They'll scare 'em". We were sneaking, following the tracks. After a lot of walking, we saw five whitetail deers. The two closest were right beside each other. "You take the right, I'll take the left. Three, two, one, now!"

Javier hit it in the neck while I hit it in the bum. "Good shot" I said. "Thanks. Let's go skin them."

I had only tried to skin a deer once, so I  got a little of the meat with it. "That's okay. It's a big deer. It doesn't matter if you only lose a little bit".

I heard a sound bu the bushes nearby. I looked over there. "Shhhh. See those boars over there? Should we take Them with us too?"

"Yeah. If it means we get more food, then let's do it. Same as last time? You take the right, I take the left." Javier looked at me and crouched down. I did the same.

"Okay. Now!"

This time, i hit it in the head, and Javier completely missed it. "am i the better shot now?" "haven't you always been the better shot?" Javier said with annoyance in his voice. "let's go back to camp".

With a deer, and a turkey on my horse, we rode towards camp. We passed two men on their horses, talking to each other. I only heard a few words, of what they were saying. When, camp, Colm, and torture. When we had passed them, i asked Javier "were they talking about Colm?". "i didn't hear anything. Were they?". "yeah, i think they're O'Driscolls. We have to tell Dutch, when we Come back to camp".

We gallopped all the way back to camp, gave the Meat to Mr. Adams, and told Dutch. "when we were out hunting, we came across some O'Driscolls, and I heard them say the word torture"."O'Driscolls? Here? They probably have a camp nearby. We'll have to seach sometime. Hey Arthur, can you go to town, and get some supplies? Not the town we just robbed, of course."Dutch smiled." Mr. Adams has made a list, there's not that many things you have to get". "sure" i answered. I got on the wagon, and started drivning towards town.

RDR2 (1884 - 1899) Fanfiction - HIATUS (DISCONTINUED?)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora