KiriRock RETURN-

604 18 15

Around 01279272827292929273$3$:!:'@/'10282929287373828201 millennia's later-

Bakubabe was preegananante for Loife with his 916291728282929273638291017273739/&/82992920-&&&;",@:939@29292920 children- Sexy Mineta was in the basement, lifting his 9999999999999999999999 pound weights and restocking the lube. SUDDENLY-
The door flew off its hinges and then exploded, revealing a JACKED CHUCK NORRIS AU VERSION OF KIRIROCK- He has the face of handsome squidward, except with smexy sharp teeth. He also had NO SHIRT- AND RIPPLING ABS- he looked at the pregoonaté Bakubabe. "Bakubabe. Please. Be my Karen, forever-" Bakubabe stood before almost fainting. "No! I can't! But wait I have an idea! Minneetttaa!~~" Mineta ran upstairs, his fishnets almost ripping because he had just done leg day- and he was covered in lube. They all looked at eachother and almost died from Bakubabes SMEXY NERVOUS EXPLOSIONS- They immediately ran to the bedroom and the door exploded from Kirirock and Smexy Minetas HOTNESS combined. They ran in and all took of their clothes and they both fucked BakuBabe up the ass at the same TIME- He SCREAMED both their names at the same time and came immediately since they were both as HUGE AS GODZILLA. Then Bakubabe got double pragoonananante and the children watched them bang ALL THE TIME! GOOD PARENTING!!!

01729282929102883639201919282&:&292939;&8;49&;&;&;&;&3838399338$;;&8;&39393938;!;&;&,@,90;0;0:930020 years later....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2019 ⏰

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