Stone, Maya, and Buck from Stone Hollow accompanied them on their lesson. Thunder and Rose watched Ivy, Bolt, and Loki take in the new scents and sights. Eyes wide and unbelieving.

Stone stopped and turned around. He nodded to Isaac, signaling for him to take over the hunt. The dark gray wolf straightened his shoulders, gathering the youngsters in a ragged half-circle.

"Before any hunt, it's important to take in your surroundings. Observe the land, and try to steer clear of obstacles that may interfere with your hunting strategy. Who can tell me what that creek will do if you hunt near it?"

A moment of silence passed before Brave jumped to his paws. "It will hide your scent!"

Isaac nodded. "Yes. Anything else?"

The pups shared confused glances.

"It will also act as a way of escape for your prey. Remember: deer and elk have longer legs than us. Which means that they can wade through the water easier than we can. To avoid a situation like that, what do we do?" Thunder sat down.

Ivy tipped her head. "We...cut them off before they can reach the water...?"

Thunder shook his head. "Close, but actually, you and your Packmates steer it away when you start the chase. You want to be as prepared as you can before rushing in."

Ivy nodded, the sun spilling on to her pale gray pelt.

"Now, the five of you will come hunting with us. Do as you're told, and listen when an older wolf has advice for you. Got that?" Isaac met each of their anxious, yet excited eyes.

Stone twitched an ear, looking at Rascal. "The three of us will keep watch up here. Who knows what Mystique will do."

Rascal blinked gratefully. He turned and trotted behind Isaac, who was leading with his sons right behind, with Thunder and Rose gently scolding their puppies to behave.

At Isaac's signal, the hunting party slipped through the valley and sun-touched grass to where their prey was waiting for them. The five young ones tried their best to keep quiet, avoiding stones and loose twigs, scolding one another when someone made a loud noise. They crested a grassy hill, peering down in a dip below as elk grazed in peace among each other. Isaac paired the pups with the adults. Rascal and Brave were put together. The black pup stared ahead, eyes shining, and in that moment, Rascal felt honored to be teaching Brave.

The wolves were split into two groups: Isaac, Swift, Rose, Ivy, and Loki were going to give chase while Thunder, Bolt, Rascal, and Brave would go in for the kill.

Moments later, Rascal and Brave crouched beneath a huge bush, waiting for the signal with pricked ears.

"Make sure you spring out at the right moment," Rascal advised. "A minute too soon, and the elk will turn and charge the others. A minute too late, and it will run over you without notice."

Brave listened intently while at the same time, trying to hear the howl that would come as a signal to be ready to pounce. "I wish I could have started the chase with Swift." He kept his eyes sharp. "I wanted to see an elk up close."

"You'll be important in this hunt," Rascal reassured him. "You get to help me make the kill. Since you're bigger and stronger than most of the others, your strength will be skilled here."

Brave brightened at those words. He set his large paws in place and tensed his muscles. The silence dragged on for ages. Rascal wondered how much longer they would have to sit in such an uncomfortable position.

An oncoming howl rose up through the trees. Rascal crouched and signaled for Brave to do the same. A chorus of barks broke the silence that followed the howl. Hoof thumping and paw scrabbling drew closer with each heartbeat that passed. Rascal counted down the seconds to precisely time the leap.

He flicked his ears, communicating silently with Thunder. The older wolf nodded, he was ready. The elk came crashing through the bushes, heading straight for the hiding wolves. Isaac and Rose ran at its heels, nipping and pushing it on. Ivy, Loki, and Swift copied the adults while growling the prey on.

Rascal shuffled closer to Brave. "Be ready to spring out at any moment. Put your weight in your hind paws. That's right. And let your senses guide you."

Brave's gaze flicked to and fro, searching for the perfect opening to jump out.

Rascal wiggled his shoulders. "Here they–"

"Rascal! Look out!" Thunder roared.

The black wolf snapped his eyes in the right direction. The elk was barrelling through the forest–heading for the place Rascal and Brave were hiding.

Rascal's eyes widened. He shoved Brave out of the way of the sharp hooves. The pup wriggled away. Rascal barely had time to turn and flee, the elk right on his tail.

Everything flew by in a blur. Rascal's heart was beating anxiously. If he were kicked by the elk, it could kill him. So he kept running, forcing his legs to take longer strides and swallow up the ground in larger leaps. Low hanging branches slapped him in the face, but he didn't dare stop. His lungs ached for a proper breath, the muscles in his legs screamed in protest against the force to keep going.

Rascal leaped over jutting roots. The blood roaring in his ears pushed him on.

When do I get to stop?

While he was lost in his thoughts, he tripped over a huge root. He yelped, frantically trying to stand. Just as he got to his paws, a thunk to the back of his head set his vision whirling. A warm, sticky substance pooled down the back of his neck. He stumbled forward a few steps, then felt the ground way under his clumsy paws. He didn't have the strength to scream as he plunged down a steep ravine. Sharp pricks stabbed into his fur. He realized he had fallen into a thorn patch at the bottom of the ravine. He rolled to a stop, wincing when more thorns dug into his flesh.

Rascal lay in the thorn patch, too exhausted to move. His eyelids were heavy. Yet he knew he couldn't pass out here. He had to get out. He must let his Packmates know he is alive. Rascal groaned. His legs shook. He blinked a few times to refocus his sight, noticing drops of blood on the ground around him. He winced at the feeling of thorns deep in his back. Unsteadily, he rose, dangerously wobbling on his paws. Thorns pricked in his pads. With a gasp, he stumbled through the patch, whimpering painfully all the while. He reached the edge of the patch, standing on his back legs and pressing his forepaws to the rocky surface of the steep climb. He jumped up once, then slid back down. He tried a few more times, before accepting defeat and slumping on his side.

Each passing heartbeat was a struggle to stay awake. Finally, he welcomed the darkness that consumed him, closing his eyes.

It's been a struggle to write these past few chapters. I feel like this book is coming to an end. I'd say roughly about five left. I'm not sure exactly what will come after this, or if anything will come at all. I have some ideas for a fourth book. It all depends on how I feel about the ending of this one.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and will stick around for the rest! It's 9:30 p.m. where I live so I'm gonna go to bed lol.

Catch Ya Later!

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