Finally, I made myself detach from his lips and whispered, "Please tell me that more often. Tell me that I'm dear you, I wanna be reminded of that all the time."

A smile appeared on his face. He kissed me on the forehead and asked, "Happy?"

I smiled. "More!"

He laughed, hugged me tightly and started planting firm kisses on my face and neck. "You taste so good Lola, just let me take a small bite of you." His teeth scrapped my neck and I screamed and laughed at the same time.

"No! honey, don't eat me. I don't taste good." I talked with innocence. "But you can kiss me a little more."

He headed towards my lips, but this time it was not sweet and tender. Leaning tight against each other, we kissed with a burning passion. One of his hands went down towards my glutes, and before I knew it, he was grabbing my butt tightly, pushing me against the waterfront rail.

We stopped kissing simultaneously as if we both felt we were pushing too far being out on the street.

"Hon, it's late already, can you drive me home?" I said.

"Sure, my car is parked on Shore road."

We started crossing the street and moving towards his car. He was telling something about his job, but I only pretended I was interested. I felt weird and anxious, and the closer we were to the car, the more anxious I was getting. When we were almost by the vehicle, I could barely hide that my body was shaking. In my mind, I could not logically explain why it was happening.

We turned on Shore road, a dark street with no pedestrians, only cars zipping through it at high speeds. He got a car remote out of his pocket and pressed a button. I noticed his large SUV with tinted windows facing away from us. We were still talking about some stuff. I can't remember what exactly we talked about, but I know we both were only pretending as if we are interested in that at the moment.

We approached the car on the passenger side, and without hesitation, we both tried to open the passenger side door at the same time. We tried to open the rear door. Then we paused, looked each other in the eyes as if to understand that we both knew what we were doing.

He pulled the door's handle and I jumped on the back seat. He followed me and closed the door.

Kisses... Breathing... Feeling lightheaded...

Is it all for real?

His lips on my neck... Feels so good...

His arms caressing my body...

My blouse is unbuttoned, want to feel his arms on my breasts.

Straps of a bra coming down my shoulders, I'm about to completely lose my mind.

Something felt wrong. " No! No! No!" I yelled, pushing him away from me. I tried to hold my bra in place so he would not see me bare-breasted. He was on top of me, looking shocked. I continued on a high-pitched tone, "We are not doing this in the car!"

"Lola, but I thought we both want-"

"I said we are not doing this in the car!!!" This time I just yelled at him

"Ok, ok." He paused. " Do you want to go to my place?"

"No! I want to go home."

He looked at me for a few seconds. Then he looked at how we were lying down.

"Lola, I will gladly take you home, but I'm squeezed between your long legs," he said with a smile.

"Oh sorry, here you go." I unbent my knees so he could get off me. I just noticed I was barefoot. Thank god my white shorts were still on me. But where were my shoes? I got up on my elbows to look around and noticed them in front of the car. Was it me who took them off or was it him? I couldn't even remember.

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