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It was half past midnight. As much as I would like to get some good night sleep, there is so much that I need to accomplish in this godforsaken limited time.

I swiftly move my fingers through my notebook's keyboard as my ideas came pouring in my head. I am currently finishing a paper that must be passed today at 9 am in the morning.

Of course, my lazy ass would never forget writings and such. It's my later attitude that enables me to cram this hard.

Honestly though, this paper isn't even my paper to begin with. I wrote this as a favor because the course subject was related to my program major. In return of writing a two-thousand-word-count paper, this person that asked me will pay me. Good deal.

My procrastinating ass just had to mess it up by not doing it earlier. Sad, I know. But hey! It's a good deal so no worries. It'll work out.

Suddenly, I heared footsteps from the hall, nearing towards my room. Odd. My family sleep like sloths at night. Nothing could wake them up. Must be my ears ringing from feeling sleepy. Before I could fix my things and swore to myself to just finish it early in the morning before prepping up for school, I heard a knock from my door.

Odd. Odd. Odd.

I'm scared but I also need to open that damn door or it will be war zone later sunrise.

As I walk towards the door, I can't help but feel my heartbeat, little by little, beat rapidly. I'm palpitating so bad like I drank a gallon of coffee. I held the cold doorknob for a while before a knock come again, a sign that I should open the door this instant.

"Darling, what are you doing?" My mom in her nighties and forties asked as she stared at me, eyes half open.

"Just- just wri- writing some paper for sch-school." I stammered as my palpitating heart calmed down its pace knowing it's just my mom knocking in the middle of the night. Why though?

"Ugh... it's just- darling... please finish that later okay? It's extremely noisy. I can't sleep. It's all I can hear in my head, honestly." she said as she pat my shoulder and left.

I stood there in the doorway dumbfounded. I mean, what is noisy? I'm clicking the keyboard of the notebook, is it THAT noisy? I mea- wha- huh?

I slowly closed the door before my mom will come by again for the 'noise' that I made by shutting the door close. That was extremely weird but given that she is a light sleeper and always tired, I'll just shrug it off my mind.

I lay down and relaxed. As I closed my eyes, I quickly drift to a slumber. I open my eyes in a dream.

It's very dark and there's a weird noise. It's a clicking sound of noise that increases its speed as it goes louder. It's extremely uncomfortable. My legs became weak as the noise became louder. I kneeled as I cover my ears to mask off the uncomfortable noise and shut my eyes close. Suddenly, I felt a presence in front of me. I hear a drip drop as a fluid falls down to a puddle I'm kneeling. If how it got there, or how I got here, I don't know. The ice cold puddle seem to weaken my force as I kneel harder to keep my ground.

"Open your eyes, love." I heard a soft and echoing voice. I familiarize it as my mom's. I trust my mom so much I didn't doubt her as she told me to open my eyes repeatedly in, again, the weird soft and echoing voice.

I open my eyes, still kneeling and covering my ears. I can see my reflection in the puddle, it reflected my scared and horrified face in a red shade. As I gaze my eyes up to look at my mom, my heart palpitate so fast I can feel it almost want to leave my chest. I see my mom crouch as she look at me in bloodshot eyes, and extremely frizzy black hair. My arms fell down from covering my ears as goosebumps run over my whole body. I realized the puddle we're in is blood. I've never saw or view my mom in a terrifying or scary way. She lit her face to a smile that made it more dreadful. As I look at her more, I realized that it wasn't the most horrifying thing. I can see through her body as the nighties she wore a while ago soaked in blood. She held a bloodied knife in her hand as she kept her smile bigger and wider. Her other arm is tucked at her back. It's as if she is holding something back there.

I froze as I looked at her in so much horror. She seem to know how scared I was so her face transformed to a worried and concern look.

"Oh honey, don't be scared. Here, let me help you up." Her face tilt a little to the right as she used the arm in her back to offer to help me up.

Adrenaline and chills ran through my body as I realized that both of her ears are cut off and blackish red blood trickle down her severed ears. I slowly backed and moved away and tried to help myself up. As my eyes run over her horrifying form, I saw that the hand she offered me which was at her back was indeed holding something. I looked at it carefully and realized that it's my little brother's severed head and he's still wearing his Beats headphones.

My adrenaline rush aided me to get up and run. I run so fast that the blood puddle wisk in my feet, legs, and my clothes. I didn't look back. The farther I go, the deeper the blood is getting. I just kept on running until the water gets deeper and deeper and became an ocean. I have to swim as I tried to get away and escape. I swim harder and faster in the ocean of blood. Suddenly, I was pulled back by something I felt in my feet. My heart palpitate so fast as I tried to fight it off. I paddle my feet and arms so hard but the thing that's pulling me is so strong. It pressed my ankles painfully to weaken my defense and because of this, it pulled me under the ocean of blood. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I drink the blood to fight off the pulling. I don't care if I drink the blood. I need to get away from this! I kept on paddling my legs and arms until I felt my breath running out. The strength of my arms and feet are getting weak and my paddling slow down. I defended myself one last paddle as I blacked out.

I woke up all frozen and heart palpitating very fast. I moved my pinky finger and little toe as my other fingers and toes followed. Soon enough, my whole body was able to move. I immediately got up, and stood up to leave my room. Suddenly, my door opened and mom came in.

Right after her, several police officers come inside my room. I looked at my mom, still terrified and I look at the officers in extreme confusion.

"What's happening?" I asked as I spoke hoarsely, almost in a whisper even.

"You need to see it." My mom said in a painful look. I look at her back, still confused.

The officers went out first as my mom held out her hand for me to come with her. I looked at her hand and my dream immediately flash back of her hand with my little brother's head. The thought of it immediately scared and run chills all over me.

"Darling?" I saw my mom, hand still extended for me to reach out. I held on her as we walked out of my room to see it.

I had an extremely bad feeling as our steps get farther and farther my room. I held my mom's icy hand against my sweating shaking hand when we got closer to my little brother's room. The police officers are standing right in the doorway. My mom released my hand and urged me to get in the room.

I slowly walked to his room as my heart palpitates faster. When I entered his room, I was extremely horried.

His room was in total mess, and that mess is his own blood. Everywhere in his room is blood. It's dripping in his shelves, cabinets, study table, computer, superhero and robot figurines. All his stuff is covered in his blood. I look around in horror as I thought of how this happened. My eyes landed in his covered body on his bed. I slowly walked to it. Every step is agonizing and it felt like I was coming near to a trap. Nevertheless, I didn't stop. I reached his bed and held on the bloodied blanket. I spared some seconds before I slowly removed the blanket to a gruesome view.

My little brother still in his PJs, is chopped in five. His bed, colored torquise like his PJs, is covered in his blood. I ran my eyes slowly from his feet to his head. Every cut is clean and severe. It's so wet in blood as if it will not stop dripping. When I saw his head, everything from the dream came flashing back. I felt the adrenaline came rushing back and my heart palpitating so hard. The head in my brother's bed is the exact head my mom was holding on in my dream. I turn around to run but everything around me turned black. I was taken a back for a second but I still gather my strength and move while I run but I bumped in a fiber-like transparent glass.

I heared again the drip drop just like in my dream. I know what that is. I know who it is. I slowly turned around, still scared as fuck. My heart didn't stop palpitating. My sweat started to form in my head and my neck.

As turned around in full, I saw my mom in her terrific form. She is smiling again so wide. She is still holding the knife, but the head is nowhere to be seen anymore. She lift her hand to her face, put her index finger up to her lips and I heared her soft echoing voice as chills run through my body.

She said, "shhhh."

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