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First of all this is before Cater is in the 21ste century. Next chapter shall be in the 21ste century. The prologue is in the past. BTW! thanks for reading!


In the year of great misery, when the pest epidemic was on it's highest level, a boy was born. His name was Cater Lateque. His father was a poor man, but he had something other people didn't have. A few centries after he came to live on this earth he would still be wondering it.

Cater didn't liked the sun at all. It was hot and sometimes it burned his skin. But know his mum was trying to find a selustion. You see, his mum is a wich. Not very powerful, but still is. She tried rings but that didn't work out very well. You see, it just protectes the place where the ring touches you. She also wanted to implant something (that didn't work out so good either).

'"Cater!" Caters Mum's voice shatter threw his head and he was immediatly standing traist up. "Yes mum?"

She came walking slowely out of the house. People wouldn't immediatly call her fat, but not thick wasn't she either. Her sturby boots were cuddeling with the mud. Her hair was standing up strait and Cater could swear that he saw a bird sitting there.

'You, know I've never see such a creature as you before. I don't know how it can be that you never have got a scratch on your body and not immuun for the sun. Hell, you had the pest, and I swear I saw you die. But the next day you were wondering in the house looking for breath. After you died, that was the moment when all this bizare things started. The sun-problem, you... Speaking of the sun-problem I think that I have found solution. Why didn't I saw this first! You know your old gran-grans spell book right? Well there was some spell on page 1145 that I never really understood unteal know. Look here I've got it!"

She showed Cater a old fashionted book. The sweat on her hands made the book filthy. Not that it already was, oh, no.

"If you had enough from the sun, let it be, make your skin, integral. It will also work if you've got a infaction and can't walk into the open sun."

"That's a really simple spel mum. Why didn't you surch for just sun. It would have standed above everthing else!" Cater said while taking a deep breath."

"This isn't a spell sun. It's a ritual. Someone has to die for it. And I already chose who's going to be the 'lucky' one."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No way!

Cater looked at the person who his mother pointed out. Lazzy McQueen. He always liked her but never really talked to her except saying a few heys or hi's.

He closed his eyes taking a deep breath. He could still hear his mothers words clearly. "No one is going to miss her. Her whole family died because of the pest. No one will look up when we tell them she died too because of the pest. There have to be secrevise made. You have to get me two humans. Her and Lyan. She will have to die. Her blood has to be floating over your hands. If it doesn't, she would have died for nothing. You have to kill her, my son."

The boy was easy to take. He got him simple underneath his hands. Lyan was wondering around the castle which was kind of weird because farmers were forbidden to go near it. But maybe he had to have his mind somewhere else. You see, everybody in the village thought that he died. So even his best friend, Lyan thought that he died. He was probably walking there out of sadness of his loss. Lyan was in shock when he saw Cater, but was fast over it. And know he only had to grab the girl.

That was the hard part. her beauty was viewed with open eyes, including himself. But, he told himself, she isn’t going to lose very much blood. That was what his mum said, right? She isn’t going to die, right? Oh, no, no-no.

The circle was grand. On the star laid the beautiful girl, unconscious.

“Boys.” Caters mother said. Please take each other hands. The book says that when the power is given to the other – that’s you Lyan – will the sun go away from the skin. You will have to drink Caters blood.”

“Wait what?!” Cater said in shock.

“That’s the ritual, sweatheart. You have to turn another in your kind before the sun can’t touch you.”

“Oh, OK.”

With a knife his mother made blood come leaping out of his arm. She put his arm to Lyans mouth. “Drink.”

Lyan touched it with his tong. “Are you serious right now?”

When mother held a serious face on he began to drink.

“Stop!” He stopped. She took a sword.

 “Mother what are you going to do?” Cater asked. But it was already too late. The sword wasdrilledthroughlyansheart. Blood was sapling out of his back and front. “Mother!”

She didn’t answer. She just knield by the girl who was still unconscious. She began mutter words out of a different language. Then she took a silver cup in hand. With a knife she opened the girls neck. Cater knew then that she wouldn’t survive the night. The blood came with litres out of her neck. All ended in the silver cup in his mothers hand. “Drink my son. And you will be healed from the sun. When Lyan wakes up, let him drink, out of her body, she has to be drunken up for real. Unteal there is no blood left in her body.”

“When he awakes? You killed him mother!” Cater said.

“You’re vampires now my son. You will have to drink blood and kill to survive. But you will live forever. When you were born I already knew you were special. I knew you were a Very First. You will have to drink from me after you drank this blood with the special magic there in. You will be immuun to the sun. After that.. You have to drink my blood to complete the transmission. Than you both can live futher.”

She gave him the silver cup and made him drink it up. After that she killed her self. When Lyan awoke, were the first vampires born.

A few days later the villagers found two blood out socked body’s. With two thouth marks laying on their necks…..

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