Chapter 1: The First Fight

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Beep beep beep, goes my alarm in the room; I try ignoring it, but all it just did was keep beeping and beeping. I started getting annoyed of it, I sit up my hair a complete mess and my body heavy and tired. I walk over to my phone and turn off the alarm, I stretch out a bit then open the curtains. The sun shine bright into my room and right in my eye, it warmed my body, it's warmth felt comforting. I then sighed and look over at my dresser with a mirror attached, I stared straight into it looking at myself.

"Alright, first day of High school. You got this Kai" I then take my hair brush and brush my hair back a little and pin my bangs to the side, of course still keeping my right eye . My hair was long and wavy going up to my waste, I'm surprised of how long I kept it.
I grab my uniform that was left on my drawer, I stare at the skirt part of the uniform and sighed. "Are you serious?..." I say with a small tone of anger in my voice. I didn't realize I have to wear a girl outfit for school, it upset me a bit. Even though I am a girl I prefer to be wearing something that doesn't make me look like a prissy popular girl.
"Ugh...I'll just put it on for now till I can find myself something else" I put on the uniform. The skirt was above my knees reaching to the half of my thighs. I looked in the mirror and did a spin, then realizing every time I spin my skirt lifted. Right then and there I was about to kill the school who made these dumb clothes. At this point I took one of my red sweaters and wrapped it around my waist. I looked back in the mirror again and then smiled slightly.
"Much better" I say. Then there is a sudden knock on my door, Milo walks in with a worried face.
"Hey Kai, I need help with my hair. I don't know what to do with it" he says. I laugh a bit.
"Come inside and I'll do your hair" I smiled. Milo walked in with his navy blue hair tips dyed pink and purple, it was up to his shoulders all tangled and crazy. I walked over and sat down on my bed, I grabbed my brush and brush his hair out.
"Do you think people will make fun of my hair..." Milo says quietly as his bright blue ears drop.
I smiled and start braiding his hair. "No, people are gonna love your hair; they're gonna wish they want your hair, and if someone makes fun of you for your hair I'll be by your side and kick their ass for you" I giggle. "Don't worry alright?" I finish braiding his hair making it a half up braid and the rest of it down. He then hugs me as soon as I finished, his tail sways a bit happily.
"Thanks Kai..." he moves away and goes back to his room to get ready.
I sighed and start packing my light blue bag with bright blue wings on the front of it, putting my notebooks and pencils in it along a sketchbook.
"Kai! Milo! Breakfast!" Mel screamed from downstairs. I finish packing and headed downstairs, jumping from the last three stairs I make my way to the table and sit down.
Mel was there with a plate of pancakes and bacon.
"Morning Kai" she smiles placing the plate down.
"Morning Mel, where's Keith?" I ask as I start serving myself.
"He went to work early today, but he'll pick you and Milo after school today so you'll get to see him later" Mel's greenish ears twitched.
"Hope so, he promised me that he was gonna help me practice hunting" I giggle a bit and start eating my food. Milo came down with his grayish black book bag and sat next to me and started serving himself.
"Morning Milo" Mel smiles as she starts making herself some coffee.
"Morning Mel, is Nicole coming later today?"
Milo titles his head as he starts eating.
"Yeah, I need to shop later today and she's gonna join me. I'm sure when you guys are out of school, you can go to her salon" Mel  smiles and sits down by us sipping her coffee checking her phone.
Couple minutes passed, Milo and I finish our food and got our phones from Mel's room. Before we headed out the door Mel stops us with a mean glare, we both run over to her and give her a hug. Her tail sways, "Alright now you can go, be careful. No fighting" as she says those words Milo and I run out the door heading to the school bus. As soon as we got in we notice only a couple people on the bus so far. Milo and I decided to sit all the way in the back since we didn't want anyone else to sit with us or next to us. After a couple more stops the bus was half full of all sorts of creatures. Humans as well which was quite surprising to see in a bus for the Bluehaven high students.
Not long after picking up everyone we arrive at Bluehaven High. It was beautiful, werewolves and witches and even omenese were there; I honestly couldn't believe how beautiful it was. Milo and I got out of the bus and both gasped at the building; we then looked over at a bunch of groups of creatures each separated by species.
A announcement then came on the speaker
"All creatures and humans go to their selected species and wait for further instructions" the woman's voice then disappears.
"Come on Milo, let's go" I grab Milo's hand and we walk to the group of werewolves that was grouped by a werewolf teacher.
"Good morning students I'm Mr C and I'll be your werewolf teacher. Now you will have other classes with other teachers, but for now I'll be teaching your werewolf classes"

"Wow, we need some old man to teach us how to be werewolves" one werewolf guy whispered to his friend, they both laughed

"Mr Dan! To the front!" The werewolf walked up to the front and stood in front of Mr C. Everyone was whispering, they chattered about Dan.
"What do you think he's gonna do?" Milo whispers to me.
"Not sure" I say accidentally slightly louder than a whisper.
"You! With the bright red ears! Come here" I looked around as everyone stares at me. I gulp and begin to walk to the front of the group. I get to the front facing the teacher standing next to Dan.
"What's your name" Mr C asked me, he stared at me with his dark grey demeaning eyes.
"Kaino Kashinoki sir" I said with a scared voice.
"Kashinoki? Alright Ms Kashinoki, and Mr Dan. Today as a lesson both of you will be the Alpha female and Alpha male for the remainder of the day. For alpha female it will be different. It'll be the day for Alpha Mae rules; if you are challenged you have to fight that person, if you lose you lose your title, if you win you keep your title. Is that clear?" All the werewolves nodded, some of the guys even started to have a devilish smile on their faces.
"Alright go get your schedules and I'll meet you in class later" Mr C walked away and I sighed in relief a bit, though when I tried walking to Milo a couple of the werewolf girls got in my way.
"There is no way I'm gonna be following a bitch like you, Kaino, right? Ew that's a boys name, no wonder you look disgusting you have a boys name" the girl laughed and so did her friends behind her. Her ears were a magenta and hair was blonder than ever, it pissed me off she called my name disgusting.
"Hey Erica, I say challenge her. She's a weakling, and she's a freshman anyways, it'll be easy" one of Erica's friend says, then the rest of them cheered her on as well.
" what's day you, up for your first challenge"
Erica said with a cocky voice.
"I really don't want to fight someone who has a filthy mouth such as yours" I say try to get through the girls to get to Milo; but the. Erica decides to grab my shirt and pull me down. She then begins to sit on my stomach and repeatedly punch me in the face.
In the corner of my eye I can see Milo about to cry, it hurt me whenever I saw my own brother crying. Before Erica could land one more hit I grab her hand and push her off me.
I growled at her, "Now you've really pissed me off" I grab the collar of Erica's shirt and proceeded to dig her head into the ground. Grabbing her arm as well; I twist it behind her back and pull on it.
"Give" I say, pulling her arm more while I move her head more into the ground. She then nods as she tries struggling to get up; I then move away from her and her friends go to her aid quickly. I look around an bunch of werewolves we're staring at me, I didn't care at all, all I did was go over to Milo and grab my bag that he held for me.
"We're leaving, let's go and get our schedules. Quickly" I grab his hand, and as we begin to walk the werewolves made a clear path for us to go through. For once in my life people I'm treating me like I actually exists now...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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