Ransom the Boy (Narry)

Start from the beginning

"Follow me" I head off to one of the spare rooms and leave him there. The door locks on the outside so I can relax knowing where he is. I hear him cry through the door, broken and scared and possibly angry with his dad.

I head to the CCTV room and see Luke there, getting pictures of Niall crying. I glance over them, making sure that you can see the fear in his eyes. His hair is ruffled and sat in the corner cuddling his knees. I almost feel sorry for the kid. Almost.

"Get these posted to Bobby" I smile handing the images back, he puts them in an envelope and heads out. I hear four sets of feet leave the house and know he has taken some of the guards.
Rule number 3. Never go anywhere with out backup.

I look at the screen and see that Niall has fallen asleep against the radiator. Well, someone's going to have back pains in the morning.
I scoff and make my way to the dining room.

"Right. Payback ideas. Horan owes me 50K and owes us for the life of Zayn."
"Shoot him. A life for a life"
"Then I don't get my money"
"Shoot the kid" a few 'yeahs' go around.

"Too quick. He'll grieve and be over it in a month” Louis comments.
"Pimp the kid out" someone calls and there are a lot of ‘yeahs’ for that one.
"I am not a rapist. And I don't approve of them" I snap "especially not after Gemma" I mutter.
Everyone knows about Gemma. She's my sister. Was my sister. She was raped and bled to death. She'd be 24 now. I sigh.

"Lou? What did you say about the kid shitting himself?”
"Put him in nappies. The media will love it! Irish Mafia son, aged 15, in nappies" Louis grins and there are a lot of chuckles and cheers for that one.
I think for a few minutes.
"Well. Someone get the kid some nappies."

Exactly 24 hours after I visited bobby I video call him.
"Where's Niall?" is the first thing he says.
"He's fine. Bit bruised" I grunt off handedly. "Has my money been transferred?"
"Well no but-"
I cut him off
"-Louis! Bring the kid and the gear" I yell. He does a moment later. Luke, Liam and Ashton in tow.

I punch Niall in the face, so he falls to the floor, he screams then cries.
Ashton and Liam pin him down as I take off his clothes, leaving him in his boxers. He puts up an impressive fight for his size, but doesn't stand a chance when I punch him in the stomache.
"Niall! Harry, you leave my boy alone!"

"Where's my money" I ask casually, straddling Nialls waist.
"I don't have-"
"-Not good enough." I snap. I know he has the money. I remove Nialls boxers and he is full on sobbing now. I get one of the nappies out of the bag and get Louis to put it on him. He has little sisters, he know how to, I don't.
Niall cries even more and I can feel my non existent heart break. He curls up into a ball and begs his daddy to come get him. Snot dribbles from his nose and he cries for help. Not once have I felt remorse for anything I've done. Up until now.

"You have 12 hours to get me my money" I grunt before signalling to Liam to kill the call.

"H-harry?" Luke says.
"Did I say you could speak to me?" I snap.
"Harry chill. Am I taking this off the kid?" Louis asks, gesturing to Niall.
"No. He's going to use it. And if he takes it off he's going to have two broken arms so he can't do it again. Give him his clothes though. Take him to his room. Make sure he stays there." I snap.

I head off to my study and collapse on the sofa.
Fuck! what am I doing? I pull my hair as I think about how scared the kid was. I don't want to hurt him. But it's the easiest way to stop myself falling for him.

10 hours later the boy still hasn't been to he toilet. He's refusing to eat or drink and I can tell he's not going to last much longer.
We're sat at the dining room eating some shepherds pie and veg thing that Luke made. It's really nice actually.

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