29: The Wise

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I heard knocks on my door again. I had fallen asleep and my eyes shot open. I was already healing. My body heals 3 times as fast as the average person. I'm not average at all. My body can manipulate the energy around me to work differently which affects the way my body works and heals. My leg still hurt but I could walk.

I opened the door seeing Mike and Lucas. My heart literally stopped when I didn't see Will but instead saw a worried look on the boys faces.

"Where is Will?" I asked. I felt my body shut down. "WHERES WILL?!"

"He's not with you?!?" Mike asked.

"HES SUPPOSED TO BE WITH YOU!" I cried in panic.

"HE SAID HE WAS COMING HOME!" Mike yelled back.

"IF HES NOT HERE HES AT CASTLE BYERS!" I yelled trying to convince myself Billy didn't find him and give him to the Mind Flayer.

"BUT ITS RAINING?!" Lucas added.


I grabbed my jacket and ran outside. His bike was here. He had come home. "I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE LEFT!" I cried and I jumped in the air and used my powers to fly to Castle Byers.

I landed unstably tripping over my feet holding my stomach feeling like I was gonna throw up.

"Will?" I cried in slight relief. He didn't say anything. His Castle was destroyed and Will was bending down on the ground and scratched his neck. "Will?" I said again in fear. The boys caught up to me and were completely out of breath.

"Will?" They asked.

I felt a slight tingle on my neck sending goosebumps throughout my body. Will slowly turned around with anger and fear in his eyes. "He's back." Was all he said. I stumbled back on my feet a little and the boys looked at each other and then at me.


We all went to the Wheelers house and gathered around trying to come up with explanations. We kept trying to get ahold of El and Max but they wouldn't answer. So we tried Dustin. I called Steve. I called Jonathan. I called Nancy. I called Hopper. No one was answering.

We kept trying and kept trying. We were annoying ourselves with all of our continuous attempts.

Eventually Max shortly and angrily answered. "SHUT! UP!" She said and turned her walkie off.

"She turned it off." Lucas informed and looked at me and Mike.

Mike sighed and walked to the phone and I linked behind him.

"Let me do it." I said trying to catch up to him.

"What why?"

"She doesn't want anything to do with you guys. Let me. If she hears I'm involved she will listen. Trust me." I said and he rolled his eyes and let me do it. "What's her number?" I asked Lucas.


"Her number? Come on dingus. Stop pretending. I know you know it." I rolled my eyes impatiently. He gave me her number and I dialled it. She shortly answered even angrier.

"I'm sleeping! Go away!" She yelled.

"Max! Wait. It's me." I said and she didn't hang up. "Sorry about yesterday I should have told you two the truth I'm sorry.  But, s-something... something happened last night. Something weird. Umm, please come over? We are all at Mikes. Get here as soon as you can. Bring El." I said and she simply replied.

"O-Okay." And hung up.

"You saw them yesterday?" Mike asked with his angry confused look.

"Yeah why?"

Keep me Closer - Billy Hargrove - Stranger Things Where stories live. Discover now