27: Confused

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I got up in the morning with out a wink of sleep

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I got up in the morning with out a wink of sleep. I was too busy overthinking everything. Not just about Billy. Not just about the Mind Flayer and the rats. But about basically everything.

I wanted to see Billy. He worked today. Maybe he was feeling better.


I walked there and looked around for Billy.

"Hey, umm.. has Billy come in yet?" I asked walking to the line up of moms.

"Shouldn't you know?" One of them asked glaring at me.

"Umm.. well I—... has he or hasn't he?"

"No." Another answered rolling her eyes.

"Okay thank you." I said and started to walk away.

"Trouble in paradise?" One mumbled to the other and they all giggled. I clenched my fist and just kept walking.

I saw him speed walking into the back room. He was walking so fast he forgot to lock the gate behind him. I snuck in and carefully walked into the room I saw him walk into.

"Billy?" I called out softly opening the door. He was facing a bunch of pool chemicals. It was weird but I ignored it.

"What are you doing here Byers?" He asked with annoyance in his voice.

"I didn't like how I left things last night. I'm sorry." I frowned. He didn't say anything. "Well we are a couple so I figured it would be best to work things out. We have to talk to each other. That's how this works. Please Billy, you can talk to me. Its me. It's Quinn. I love you Billy. Please just say something. Please." I slightly smiled and grabbed his wrist to hold his hand. He pulled his wrist away from me. He turned around and looked down at me. He was a matter of inches away from me.

He looked straight down at me and said "Go away Quinn. I'm not in the mood for your bullsh**." He rolled his eyes at me and pushed past me. My eyes swelled with tears. I followed him out the door and grabbed his wrist and pulled him back.

"No. You cant do that. You can't act like this. You can't act like a 5 year old." I told him getting a little frustrated. "Me and you, we don't work like that. Stop acting like a child and talk to me.." I said and he took his wrist back forcefully with more anger.

"Stay away from me." He said through his teeth. I know he was seeming aggressive but something in his eyes. Beyond his anger. Something was crying for help. Something was holding him back from yelling at me, breaking up with me, hitting me. He was still in there. The Billy I know and love was still in there. He just needed to get his anger out. He needed to cool off. I'm sure he's fine. He just needs some alone time. That's all. He's fine. In a couple of days we will have forgotten any of this ever happened. I'm sure it will be ancient history.

He walked away from me seeming dizzy. He was having trouble keeping his own head up. He seemed exhausted and seeming like at any second he would just fall and pass out.


I stayed all day at the pool. Not bugging him or annoying him more. Not even talking to him. Not even near him. Just there. There if he needed me. If he needed anyone. There if... something happened. Something I didn't want to admit to myself as a possibility.


He had passed out from heat exhaustion but only only moments later woke up. He looked at his arm and that's when I noticed he was burning. Literally burning. The skin on his arm was burning and blistering. He got up and struggled to walk. He seemed like he was about to throw up. He bumped into someone making them spill everything and ran back into the locker room.

I followed him cautiously. And one of his fellow employees went with me.

I heard him screaming so we started to run. I opened the curtain. "Billy! Are you okay? Are okay? Are you hurt?" I cried and the other girl was shortly behind me. Billy just fearfully started at me.


"We asked if you were hurt?" The girl asked "Should we call an ambulance?" She asked. Billy blinked confusedly at me a few times taking deep breaths.

"Billy whats wrong?" I asked getting closer to him and caressed his cheekbone with my thumb. All the fear in his eyes went away out of absolute no where. There was no love in his eyes. Just anger and pain. He clenched his fist and grabbed the other girl by the neck and slammed her head on the wall to my right and she screamed, then passed out from impact on her head when she fell to the floor. My eyes went wide I tried to run away but he grabbed my wrist yanked me back and put his hand on my throat and lifted me off the ground. I hit his arm with my hands and squirmed trying to break free. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with his hand. My eyes went wide with fear and I continued to squirm and his his arm with my hands trying to break free. Tears streamed down my face until I ran out of breath and passed out.

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