Chapter 1: The Way Things Are Now

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Maxine Mayfield:

Some how I don't think I'm being a good Guinea pig. It's day one, and I've got the complimentary bruises before I even enter. Some day to relieve stress, my methods are going to be smashing rocks to pebbles to get them back for my insanely scared torso.

Michael Wheeler:

It's day 43 of letting it take over. The coughing is more often, but the pain moved, so I guess that's good. I don't know what this is and I don't really want to know. As long as I can die without a fuss or my last act cutting up meat, I'm okay with it. I'd rather stay in blissful ignorance if that's okay. It's how I was before I started finding lab subjects in the woods well looking for a missing friend.


A/N: So... Yeah first chapter of the rewrite is up and I'm not dead yet, wow! Leave your opinions in the comments please!

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