Eight - Waking Up In Unknown Arms

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I woke up to a loud crash from downstairs, followed by a loud 'shit!' coming from somewhere downstairs. My first instinct was to bolt down to the source of the noise and figure out who it was that I was going to have to yell at, but the realization of not being in my room hit me and that idea didn't seem very likely to be happening. The idea of having been kidnapped suddenly struck me, but soon after I realized the improbability of this and just calmed myself down.

After many made up scenarios, I figured it would be best to go and assess whatever had just happened. I realize Jenna can be a klutz at school, but I couldn't imagine her carrying that over to her own house. 

I pulled myself from the bed and walked down the hall where Jenna was standing in the middle of the kitchen, her hands in the air as she had her eyes closed and her lips pursed like she was about to begin some strange prayer in the kitchen. It was only when I got closer that I realized the broken glass surrounding her feet and the rest of the kitchen floor.

"What... happened?" I asked, both stunned and confused as to how Jenna had even ended up in a situation like this.

Jenna jumped a little upon hearing my voice, her foot almost plunging into a white shard of a bowl or a plate. 

"Oh, um... I was going to make you some cereal for when you woke up, but I saw a spider or something and... the bowl dropped and I kind of ended up in this situation." Jenna looked almost ashamed as she explained what had gone wrong. She rubbed her arm awkwardly and looked down at her bare feet.

A smile grew on my face at her trying to make me something and her dropping the bowl. Life really is a bitch sometimes because I would have loved some cereal brought to me by Jenna as my wake up call. 

Even with the saddening thought of my morning call being her yelling shit, I bent down and began to pick up some of the shards off of the floor and collect them in my cupped hand. Again, Jenna looked kind of stunned as if she had expected me to yell at her for ruining my perfectly lovely morning. I wasn't going to though. I was far too tired to be mad and even if I had been awake longer than five minutes, I would have just laughed it off anyways.

Jenna soon followed my lead and bent down, watching her feet carefully, and began to pick up the pieces. When one piece remained, we both went to grab it and our head butted against each other, causing both of us to fall back on our butts. An awkward silence began for a second before we both broke out in loud giggling. While she was distracted though, I swiftly grabbed the piece and stood up.

"Aye! Not fair. I was distracted!" Jenna began arguing stubbornly, as if it was some sudden competition as to who could get the last piece of broken bowl. Jenna leaned up like a small child and began trying to swipe it from my hand as if she actually thought it was going to work, but instead only caught the air surrounding us both.

I broke out into small giggles, trying to suppress a real laugh as I figured this was her trying to distract me so she could grab it. That really only works on her though and I soon pulled through as I tossed the glass into the empty trash bag. 

Jenna crossed her arms and began to pout before standing up and throwing away the remaining glass she had been hoarding in her hands. 

 "I cannot believe you. I thought we were closer friends than this." She said, turning her back to me. It almost became awkward as this was Jenna's house and she couldn't just walk out while playing mad at me and since I wasn't mad at her, I had no reason to storm out of her door. This was the awkward moment I had been dreading and the reason I never invited myself over to people's houses.

"We... are?" I said lamely, not sure what to say.

Jenna must have sensed how tense and awkward I felt towards her play fighting as she turned and smiled at me. "How about I make you some cereal, yeah?" She said smiling as she kindly put her hand on my shoulder. 

Without even waiting for my response, she already knew I was going to agree to the offer, she walked into the kitchen and carefully grabbed another bowl, only taking a second to check the ground before setting the clean white bowl on the counter with a nod of her head.

I honestly couldn't help but smile at how thoughtful Jenna could be sometimes. I mean, she was clueless to somethings that may seem obvious to others, but when it truly counted she was the best about noticing small things about others. Like how I always spill milk on my shirt in the mornings. so I must like cereal. Without even having to ask me she had wisely guessed my favorite simple food. And as she reached up to grab the Fruit Loops box on top of the fridge, my eyes couldn't help but trail down her waist to where her shirt parted from her jeans to reveal her backside and the top half of the waistband of her underwear.

My eyes met hers again when she turned back to face me once she had reached the box, my heart finally beginning to settle after the short encounter of taking in all of Jenna's curves. I had never considered myself to be someone who liked other people, girls being included in this circle, but there was just something about her that made me love the times when she shattered a bowl making me cereal and craved the times she had to stand on her tip toes to reach a box of cereal. 


Oh wow, an update. That hasn't happened in awhile. This is mostly Anyways, enjoy some Jardougall fluff to celebrate me finally finishing three essays! 

I'm trying to update more, I swear!

Real quick, the only editing I did to this was spelling, so if there are any mistakes, I'm really sorry. Half of this was written really late and who even knows what sleepy me was thinking.

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