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I feel bad leaving Indiana to go to a meeting but I really can't help it. Even America is going to attend via video call. If she saw I was skipping the meetings she would tan my hide.

I got up carefully so I didn't wake my sleeping husband. He has been sleeping for a good 27 hours now. He needs his rest. Luna Rose is sleeping beside him soundly.

She always seems to sleep more soundly when Indiana is around. My goodness I am thankful for that or else I probably wouldn't have gotten all the sleep I needed.

When I got ready I waited for Willow and Alaina to go to the meeting with. It's never much fun to go alone.

"Come on guys we need to go or we will be late." I said dragging both of their butts out of the bed.

"At least let us stop and get a coffee or something." Willow groaned.

"Fine." I sigh.

Alaina feel back to sleep. I dumped my water canister on her.

"Thanks for the shower." She exclaimed with sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"You decided to go back to sleep." I defended myself.

Willow was already dressed but it took a while for Alaina to dry off her hair and change. Mainly because she wanted to purposely make us late.

"We are still stopping for coffee right?" Willow asked me.

I swear sometimes the two of them were so needy.

"Alright we can stop for coffee." I groaned.

"Sis you need coffee." Alaina poked at me.

We stopped at the breakfast counter and got three coffees. To be honest, the coffee is kind of gross but people really really need their caffeine or else they really can't function properly.

Willow chugs her coffee and is back to her normal bubbly state.

"Hold up, Willow is your personality bubbly or is it just the caffeine?" I asked her genuinely confused.

"It's the coffee." Alaina answered sipping hers.

"Geez who ruined your morning?" I asked her.

She glared at me.

"You did." She spit.

"I'm sorry I dumped water on you but you weren't waking up and I needed us to get a move on." I explained myself.

"I still got water dumped on me." She mumbled into her coffee.

When we got to the meeting room we were already seven minutes late. I shot poisonous looks at the two girls who were my "friends" yet had the mentality of five year olds.

They both shrugged.

"Nice of you to join us Alivia, Alaina, Willow." America scolded.

"Sorry America but these two idiots wouldn't get out of bed." I glanced back at them.

"It's fine." America sighs.

I can tell she is still really mad about us showing up late. I'm mad too to be honest.

Willow was still super tired and almost fell asleep in her coffee twice.

"What in the world were you two up doing all night?" I whisper/yelled at them.

"Well if you really want to know." Alaina implied.

"I'm going to stop you right there." I groan.

Alaina and Willow giggled.

"Now onto the important part of this meeting." America rubbed her temples.

I glanced back at Alaina who was now sleeping in her coffee.

"Get up." I shook her.

"Our plans so far are working and so far our decision to have the teenagers as representatives is working well. Both of them are very professional and they also are good cooks but that is besides the point."

The room began to applaud Elijah and Lorelei as they walked into the room. Elijah looked bewildered and Lorelei came up to the device America was holding and waved.

"Now I wanted to hold a vote for what we are going to ask for. Using our representative's help of course." America smiled.

"First on our list is ammunition."

"I for one believe we need all the ammunition we can get our hands on. This is a whole species we are fighting against and we need formidable weapons." Elijah cut in.

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

"Alright, voting for ammunition. Raise your hand if you want it." America commanded.

The entirety of the room raised their hand. We definitely needed the ammunition.

"On to the next one which is troops." America read her list.

"I've seen our army. We have 20,000 men and 10,000 teens. That's 30,000. Now I know that might seem like a lot but that's only a fraction of what the Brights have." Silas cut in.

"Okay voting for the troops."

Again, everyone raised their hands.

The list went on and on for a while and thing after thing went by. They were all things we very well needed. Like shoes. We can't have another battle like Gettysburg. That cannot happen whatsoever. After awhile they all kind of blended together.

I don't mean they weren't important but my butt fell asleep and I really needed to stretch my legs. I needed this meeting to be over but I knew that wasn't soon to happen. These meetings can go really long.

"Now we saved this one for last because it can get really really controversial." America warned.

I was getting really mad at America because it seemed she was dragging the meeting on and on. You could even see the boredom plainly written on Lorelei's face. And she is a soldier directly trained by her dad. Aka the stonewall. I swear that dude didn't show any emotion except for annoyance.

"We talked our plan over with the Chancellor and he is on our side no matter what we choose but I want to leave the decision with you all. We discussed dropping an Atomic bomb on the Brights." America closed her eyes.

I could tell she was struggling with this.

"Our scientists have determined that death by radiation sickness is a valid way to rid the planet of the brights." America's voice was shaking.

I don't want to know how they determined this. The meeting room was silent. You could drop a pin and we would all hear it. Lorelei's face was hard and almost looked like it had been carved out of stone. Elijah was outraged however.

"Now voting for the Atomic bomb."

I was quivering. How could anyone think this was okay?

One person had their hand but soon after a few more put their hands up. Then a few more and soon more than half the room had their hand raised for the Atomic bomb idea.

I wanted to cry. We were going to drop an Atomic bomb on the Bright city.

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