Twenty One Pilots

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_Janice's POV_

I sat on the couch bored out of my mind. Josh was suppose to be coming home today. Last night when I talked to him he said he had a surprise to tell me.

"Jan get ready Tyler is coming back with Josh." Mom called from upstairs.

Ugh, I'd have to actually make myself look presentable. I ran up to my room and changed from my pajamas.

I put on a P!taD t-shirt and a pair of galaxy leggings.

"Mom I'm hungry." I said looking at myself in the mirror.

"The boys will be here soon." Dad stood in my doorway.

Soon felt like a million years away. Josh was my older brother but also my best friend. Also he's the rest I'm able to listen to music, and not just his band. See, mom and dad don't like loud music so as a little boy Josh wasn't aloud to listen to any.

"Are you happy he's coming home?" I asked.

"Of course I'm glad to see my son. I may have been hard before but I'll always love him." Dad smiled from behind me.

I turned around and gave him a hug. I felt like a terrible daughter. Josh was out making money and I just take money.

"I'm sorry I'm a terrible daughter." I whispered. 

"Nonsense." Dad rubbed my back.

I pulled away when I heard the front door opened.

"Hey anyone here?" Josh's voice wafted upstairs.

I did a silent scream then ran downstairs.

"Hey stranger." Josh smiled as I jumped on him.

"I'm never letting you go away again." I said squeezing him.

"You know Tyler's also present." Tyler elbowed me.

"Sorry Ty I didn't see you behind the sunglasses." I smiled moving from Josh to him.

"Joshua." Mom smiled walking in.

We hugged a bit longer then mom brought up dinner.

"Food." I smiled.

"Hey Jan that isn't our shirt." Josh said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Your band is my second favorite." I smiled jumping on the counter.

They both did an over dramatic gasp then a fake cry. These two spent too much time together.

"Well that hurt." Tyler took off his sunglasses.

"Sorry guys but Brendon Urie has my heart." I smiled forming a heart with my hands.

"That's really awesome you say that." Josh smiled eerily.

"Creep." I jumped off the counter and pushed him.

"I may be twelve years older than you but I'll still kick your..." he started but our mom cut him off.

"That better be ending in butt Joshua William." Mom pointed a finger at him.

"What else would I say." Josh shrugged it off.

Tyler and I started laughing. It was always funny when Josh got in trouble.

"Okay dinner troubles." Mom said.

Tyler gave me a piggyback ride to the table. I smiled happy that they were both here, especially Joshy.


"So Josh you had news to tell us." Mom smiled after every one stopped eating.

"Well our record label wanted a tour to promote them so we have a choice wether to go on tour with Paramore or Panic! At The Disco." Josh started.

I started slapping the table,"Panic! obviously like there isn't a choice in that matter." I wasn't breathing.

"I guess we've made up our minds Josh." Tyler laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he did it back to me.

"Janice be nice." Mom smiled politely.

"No it's fine she's a younger sister to me Mrs Dun." Tyler smiled politely.

I smiled then snapped back to the big tour.

"Can you get me a signature?" I asked Josh.

"Well I was actually going to ask if you'd be able to go with us." Josh looked toward mom and dad.

I did the same thing except I crossed my hands and quivered my lip.

"But she's my baby." Mom looked at me.

"Mom this could be their last tour and I might never be able to meet Brendon." I hope she'd believed me.

Josh and Tyler stayed silent. I hoped mom would say yes, that'd be amazing.

"Well I can't let you miss this opportunity so yes you can go." Mom played with the table clothe.

I let out a scream and gave her a tight hug. I'm going on tour with my favorite bands. Oh ma god this is just amazing.

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