The Hotel Situation

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_Janice's POV_

Finally the bus stopped moving. I ran off and into the nearest bathroom. I'm sure the guys followed behind me.

"Gotta pee, gotta pee." I chanted.

Once in a stall I released my bladder. It felt good since I've been holding it in for at least three hours.

"Jane, hurry up." Dallon called into the bathroom.

I wiped and pulled up my pants. Dallon stood by the sink, water dripping off his face. My ovaries exploded.

I washed my hands, "Long ride."

He nodded, "Its too hot in that small bus."

"I agree. We need to get a hotel or something." I grabbed a few paper towels.

I handed some over so Dallon could wipe his face off.

"Thanks." He nodded his head.

We walked out and I ran to Josh's side.

"We need a hotel room. I'm not staying in that bus any longer." I placed a hand on his shoulder.

Josh laughed, "Tyler, Jane doesn't want to be in the bus any longer."

Tyler ran over and hugged me,"Guess she's the boss now."

"Get back in the bus than." Brendon said walking out of gas station.

With a giant huff I sat in the back of the bus. Dallon sat next to me and then so did Brendon. I was in a Panic sandwich.

"So," Brendon put an arm around my shoulder, "we're your favorite band?"

Again I was panicking, no pun intended, "Ye-Yeah. My favorite song is nicotine."

Dallon also wrapped an arm around me, "That's a really good song."

"Your worse than nicotine." Brendon began singing.

My cheeks turned red and I covered my face with my hands.
My ovaries were exploding inside of me.

"Jane, c'mon let's go get lunch." Josh called from outside.

I quickly jumped up and ran out. Brendon and Dallon followed behind me.

"Where you wanna go?" Tyler asked me.

I shrugged, "Pizza because I love pizza."

"Okay we'll get the hotel and then get pizza." Tyler took charge.

I jumped on Tyler's back, "Who is sharing with who?"

Josh looked around, "I'm sharing with Tyler and you, Brendon and Dallon can share."

We all walked down to the hotel, checked in, and then cleaned up. My stomach was tight and it felt like someone was stabbing me.

"C'mon Jane, lets get going. First pizza then concert." Tyler put on his shirt.

Jenna is such a lucky girl. Tyler loves her and is always faithful. I wish more people were like him.
Josh walked out with blue on his face, "My hair dye didn't take."

I laughed at him. He was completely blue from it and looked terrible.

"Let's get going." Brendon walked in.

Why did we decide in conjoined rooms?

When Brendon saw Josh he broke out laughing, "Smurf."

Josh walked back in the bathroom and turned on the water, "Go get pizza. Bring me back a slice."

"Is he leaving baby Dun alone?" Brendon smiled.

Josh walked out, "Maybe baby Dun should stay with me."

I rolled my eyes, "Tyler will protect me. Everything is going to be alright. Clean yourself up and I'll bring you back some pizza."

With a groan he walked back in the bathroom.

"Now let's get food, I'm starving." I walked to the door.

The three followed behind me and we walked down to Pizza Hut.

"Two large cheese pizzas." Tyler ordered.

"I'll have a mountain dew." I spoke up.

Brendon wrapped his arms over my neck, "I'll just have an ice water."

Dallon mumbled something that I didn't really understand. As soon as we got the pizzas we walked to a booth.

"So baby Dun why is Josh so protective?" Brendon asked taking a sip of his water.

I shrugged, "He's my older brother. Guess because he is always on tour and sees how some people act."

He nodded and the conversation changed. It felt cool to just have a normal conversation with Tyler, Dallon, and Brendon.

"Okay let's get going." Tyler looked at his watch.

We all stood up, got a box for the pizza, and then left.

"Are you hanging back stage or you gonna stay at the hotel?" Tyler asked.

I yawned, "I'm probably just going to go to bed."

Dallon carried me to the elevator and then Brendon carried me to the room.

"What's going on?" Josh asked.

Brendon laid me down on the extra bed,  "Josh, I'm your brother in law now."

Josh jumped on him and they began play fighting. This is going to be my life for the next few months.

"You two stop being childish. We have to get going." Tyler and Dallon pulled them apart.

Josh kissed my head, "Get some sleep, but keep your phone near you. If anything comes up I'll text and call you."

I nodded and curled up under the blankets. Once I heard the door lock I turned off the lights and drifted to sleep.

"I'm on tour with Panic." I smiled to myself.

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