dont leave me

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I heard the door unlock to billie & mine's shared apartment.

I did a little jump and squealed, running over to the door because I was so excited to see her.

I watched as the door opened and my girlfriend walked in, all while she kept her eyes low and dropped her bags.

"hi baby", I said dragging out the hi.

she just looked up and raised one eyebrow before walking over to the kitchen.

"Are you mad at me", I say following after her with my smile hanging lose now.

She nods her head horizontally while drinking some water.

I just shrug my shoulders and pull out a pan from the cabinet.

"Burritos?" I asked while setting all the ingredients up.

I didn't hear an answer so I looked back and saw billie walking to our shared room and closing the door after her.

"Okay then", I whispered more too myself.

I brought some tortillas out of a bag in the fridge and got the beans we usually used and cooked them too together.

When food was finally ready, I washed my hands and walked over to our bedroom.

I gently held the doorknob and twisted it.

"hey babe, foods ready", I say when I'm cut off by Billie yelling "leave me the fuck alone".

I stood there, tears atthe brim of my eyes, and blinked at her sudden outburst.

"I don't want your trash ass food", she yelled before walking over to the door and slamming it, with me on the other side.

I start crying involuntarily and try to keep my weeps as quiet as possible.

I walk over to the kitchen table and sit down with the plate in front of me.

I take a bite as I'm still crying.

I somehow managed to finish the burrito and was still continuously shedding tears.

I sat on the couch and decided sleep would be the best for me right now, so I laid down and closed my eyes trying to hold my very own self to sleep.

I fell into a snooze when I heard loud ass music coming from our room.

I groan and wait for it to stop but it never does.

"Are you fucking kidding me", I whispered to myself, my head throbbing.

I got up and walked to our room, opening the door in one fast motion.

She jumped at my sudden in burst but I was too angry to care.

I went into my closet and grabbed an overnight bag and picked out all the essentials I needed to sleep at someone else's house.

She stopped the music when she realized what I was doing and immediately ran over to me and tried to grab the bag out of my hands.

"Y/n what are you doing stop", she yelled as we each struggled to take the bag.

I don't reply and get more of my things and stuff them inside.

I grabbed my bag and walked right beside of her since I packed everything I needed.

However, she blocked my way.

"I'm not letting you go" she said frantically.

"I don't care", I muttered.

"okay mamas listen to me", she says trying to calm me down but I refuse to listen to what she has to say.

"I'm sorry for being an ass, I just had a hard day", she says quickly trying her very hardest not to lose me.

I just ignore every word and keep on making my way to the front door.

"Please", she says her voice cracking with tears now falling from her eyes.

I stopped walking because she caught me off guard.

I stare at her while she frantically tries to say the right words.

"Come on", she begged grabbing my bag out of my hand and leading us to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry", she whispered, grabbing my waist while we were in bed.

"I cant lose you", she mutters into my back while holding me as tight as she could.

I fell at peace with my life and started growing relaxed by the second, that's how being with your love of your life makes you feel.

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