how could you 3

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the next day I woke up with a throbbing headache. it was also 5pm.

I recalled what happened yesterday and boom, instant tears.

Couldn't believe I lost the love of my life and all of my friends in one day.

Fuck my friends I don't care, but being cheated on makes you feel like complete shit.

I've had self esteem issues my entire life and billie knew that. 

she was the only person who made me feel beautiful in my own skin.

Now, what was I supposed to do when the ONLY person who loved me for me decided that I wasn't good enough?

obviously, get high and forget everything.


The next couple of days I didn't hear from anybody.

My phone was almost as dry as my underwe- the Sahara desert.

everyday was the same routine, wake up, pretend like I was going to be productive, and then end up with a bottle in my hands the next hour.

I was at the point where I had no more tears left to cry. All I felt was numbness.

I didn't have a heart anymore and didn't care about anything.

Not even myself.

I hadn't  spoken to anyone in a week. Not even my parents, since I hadn't told them. And also because I shattered my phone by getting angry one drunken night and threw it at the wall.

It was Tuesday now. 

And this day was different.

I decided I would stop being some snob and actually do something that day, since I've dealt with depression before and made a promise to myself that I would never fall as hard as I did that time.

I got dressed into some basic outfit and drove off to the nearest donut shop, grabbing my favorite treat.

I sat at the window seat while enjoying my glazed donut and coffee, looking outside.

Is it just me or do couples multiple after a breakup? 


I just finished my donut and threw away my trash, proceeding to plug in my earphones and walk outside.

I was looking for a hair elastic inside of my pocket when BOOM

"sorry, I didn't see where I was going", I quickly replied after getting up from running into a stranger.

"y/n?" a familiar voice said.

I looked up and saw....... Finneas and Claudia.

"Oh hi", I said looking down at my shoes.

There was this awkward silence when Claudia finally spoke, "long time no see eh?"

"Yeah", I laughed softly.

"Well I better get going", I said before walking past them.

"Wait!" finneas says catching me off guard.

"How are you y/n? With everything?" he says.

I genuinely started smiling and felt this warm feeling inside of me.

"It's hard... but getting through it", I said tears welling up in my eyes.

He nodded and was just about to turn around when I suddenly hugged him.

billie eilish imagines🧚🏼‍♀️🌈Where stories live. Discover now