I panicked, im sorry

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"What's up guys! Welcome back to LA's best hip hop radio station! We have a very special guest with us today. Y/f/n y/l/n is in the HOUSEEE!"

"Hey it's me y/n", I giggled.

"Bro, you got some crazy fans. We got almost a million people requesting you to be here".

" I know my supporters are pretty awesome, what can I say".

"So how's it been? You just finished one leg of your tour, right? Happy to be back home?"

"Fuck yea- wait my bad I forgot I can't curse"

"You good"

"I love being home, its so nice to be able to sleep in your own room and really relax in comfortable settings, you know? I mean, I love tour but it does take a lot out of a person and sometimes all I wanna do is sleep and eat and be comfortable".

"Yeah for sure, I would imagine tour to be really draining, right?"

"Yeah it is, but it's worth it because you get to meet best friends all around the world"

"On the topic of the world, you've been to some craaazy places. How was Australia?"

"Australia was SO dope bro there where kangaroos everywhere and I met some koalas. So cute, would love to go back in the future"

"Yeah, I would imagine haha. Now we got some fan questions for you".

"Uh-oh, they be asking some crazy things bro"

"A lot of people wanna know if you are in a relationship? You and another artist, billie eilish, where spotted in Mexico on the beach. What's that about?"

I hesitate before saying, "you know, me and billie are really close. she knows a lot about me and I know a lot about her. we went to Mexico together because her brother, finneas, was going and I thought a lil vacation won't hurt nobody, right?" 

Good save y/n.

"That almost answered everything, except if you and billie are romantically involved or not".

"Yeah, um, me and billie are just friends", I sigh.

"Well that answered it folks, y/n and billie are just friends! Moving on, what are you planning on doing In the future".

"Umm, pshh, I have no idea. Hopefully still making music and touring the world, but I dont know,  guess we'll see".

The announcer nodded his head as I spoke.

"Okay guys, now we are gonna play y/s/n by y/n. You have an opportunity to win two tickets to her Forum show if you are the caller 106 while y/s/n is playing! Playing this song every hour! We'll be right back".

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Fuck, I fucked this up.

"Y/n you got ten minutes", my manager said.

"Okay", I pulled out my phone and checked social media, when I got this text message..

"Okay", I pulled out my phone and checked social media, when I got this text message

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