u got me

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I held myself while I cried another night.

I couldn't get her off of my mind and it was killing me.

Everyday she would text me or call me and brag about how she flirts and make boys drool all over her.

I wanted her all to myself, sigh.

I whimpered while thinking about all the scenarios I've created with her in my head.

Waking up and seeing her first thing in the morning..

Her attempt to make food for us..

Me taking care of her while she was sick..

Us cuddling on rainy days...

I roll over and burrow my face into my pillow and try screaming a couple times.

"I hate you", I yelled, thinking about billie.

"I hate you so much", I quieted down while holding back the tears in my eyes.

I flipped over and collected myself before closing my eyes and forcing myself to sleep.

Just another night, another crying sesh.

I woke up the next morning with 4 stupid missed calls from her.

I groan and throw my phone towards the other side of my huge bed. The other side is meant to be hers, I thought, putting myself back into that depressive state I was just in last night.

After I took some deep breaths, I made my way to my bathroom and took a bath, trying to relax my senses.

But nothing was working.

After some intense therapeutic treatment I had tried, I finally gave up and laid on my couch, watching some random ass show.

I found myself giggling every now and then because it was a pretty funny show.

I started to get bored and reached for my hand, but remembered it was still under my sheets.

I walk over to my bedroom and grab my phone, sitting down on my bed since I noticed I had many notifications.

I unlocked my phone and saw billie had texted:

b: something very important to tell u. be at urs in 20.

I involuntarily groaned and dropped my head back, the headache already beginning.

I mean, I love my best friend but all she does now a days is talk about who's she talking too. like we get it, you're hot and I'm not.

I went back onto my couch and continued watching the show.

Time had completely slipped my mind because I was caught off guard with my door knob starting to jiggle.

I jump at the sudden noise but relax when I remembered billie was coming over.

She walked in with a huge smile on her face.

"hi y/n", she says loudly.

"sup", I muttered before slouching on the couch again.

"Damn, don't be too excited", she chuckles.

I sarcastically laugh and watch her laughs grow even louder, but I didn't think anything was funny.

She sat down next to me and laid her hand on my shoulder, bringing me closer into her chest, while grabbing the bag of cheetos I had in my lap.

"that's mine", I whined reaching for the bag but she was holding it higher than my arm length.

I crossed my arms and made a frown on my face.

"awww I'm sorry cutie", she says pouring some into her mouth before laying it back down on her lap.

I honestly didn't want to be near her right now so I said the unexpected...

"Why are you here", I said obviously annoyed while turning off the TV.

She looked at her rings with a more serious look on her face.

She didn't respond.

"Hello", I said dragging out the o's.

"Do you not want me to be here?" She whispered looking into my eyes.

I lost focus when she connected her eyes but quickly slipped out of the trance she put me in.

"I mean, you steal my food and leave", I giggled trying to lighten up the mood.

"I have to tell you something", she says retracing her eyes to her rings.


"Yes billie?" I said growing impatient.

"I like you", she barely whispered.

I gasped at the words, accidentally holding my breathe since I thought this was just another dream.

"And I have for a while", she says glancing towards me.

"I've just been too afraid because I never thought that I could like a girl. But then I met you a year ago and everything changed. Call me crazy but I see us having kids together and growing old together", she slowly said.

I instantly smiled, tears brimming my eyes from happiness.

"I don't-"

I quickly hushed her up by pulling her into a hug, not knowing if a kiss was too forward, and held her as hard as I could, being afraid that if I let go, she might drift away.

"I like you", I whispered pulling away from the hug.

She was caught off guard by my words but quickly changed her confusion into a grin.

She cuffed my cheeks and brought me into a deep kiss.

She held my cheeks while I held her back, kissing her until we were out of breathe.

She pulled away and let out the loudest chuckle I've ever heard.

"Yes...", she says mesmerized looking into my eyes.

"I got you", she says out loud but I was pretty sure she didn't mean too.

We just smiled like fools while looking into each other's eyes on my old ass couch from Ikea.

billie eilish imagines🧚🏼‍♀️🌈Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ