"Yes?" Karly responded fondly

"Can we go to the library, I need it for some revision..."

Karly felt that something was amiss from her story so she rose her brow and added "Anything else?"

"Well.. I want to go back to my dimension for awhile.."

"Alright, but let me bring everyone here first." Karly answered as Lily nodded resolutely.

Karly held her hand up and thought

Teleport Blaze, Blair and Reika

A bright light surrounded Karly as all three of them teleported to Karly.

"WHAT THE FU-!" Blade screamed before his mouth got clamped shut by Reika.

"Do not swear in front of Karly and Lily sama."

"It's alright, anyways the reason why I teleported you guys here was so you guys could accompany us to another world." Karly said nonchalantly.

"Wait-wait-wait! Another WORLD!" Blade exclaimed, as she glanced at Blair's direction.

It was abnormally quiet until Karly saw her body leaning against Reika as she actually fainted. "Reika wake up Blair for me..."

At the library...

"I'm sorry Karly sama! I accidentally fainted!" Blair apologised as her face went a scarlet red.

"It's alright, now as I was saying after you fainted. Let's go to another dimension." Karly repeated myself as Blair gave her an even more dumbstruck expression.

"You heard me! Now let's go find the book to bring us to another dimension!" Karly exclaimed ready to kil- I mean beat up some people.

All of them disbanded as they went to about trying to find the book. "Lil... Are you nervous?"

"Yeah... I'm afraid of how they'll react to me." Lil responded with a sad smile.

Karly felt a tug at her heart as she patted her back and told her tht everything is gonna be fine...

Especially with Karly being around her,

I mean... I am technically OP as f***!


"I found it Karly sama." Reika's dead voice sounded out throughout the empty library as everyone's head popped out from behind a book shelf.

"Everyone lets meet outside the library." Karly exclaimed loudly, since the library is like a maze, she couldn't see anyone. "Roger that!" They replied.

Karly than took the book from Reika and flipped it open.

"Alrighty! So everyone hold hands together, and I'll chant the spell." Karly stated said as they held hands.

Well the person beside her held her shoulder instead as shenread out the spell.

"--------- ~" Karly chanted it fluently, as a magic circle appeared beneath their feet

"It's so bright!" Almost everyone exclaim while Reika being a robot- is the most unaffected by it.

Everyone's heads- (excluding Reika) began throbbing as they groaned in pain.

"System's dealing slight internal damage." Reika's robotic sound voice out.

"It hurts..." Blair and Lily groaned in pain as their knees slowly buckled on them.

Bladestood there swaying from side to side hissing in pain..

Karly's head than began pounding and her eyes were gradually closing..

Twin sister of KarlHeinz (Completed but under re-editing)Where stories live. Discover now