"Daniel Defense DDM4V11, an odd choice." ,-said Izuku loading in his primary weapon. "Well I don't mind, but it needs a scope or an iron sight." ,-he said syncing in all his equipment online as some parts of his armor started turning green. (Like in the cover)

"Agent M online." ,-said Izuku reporting in this is a built-in radio system in his helmet.

Undercover U.A Watchmen (U.U.A.W)
Members Agent M, Agent G, Agent T, Agent K, Agent RR, Agent C. (Names will be changed in the next chapter.)

"Goodnight Agent M, Agent G is already ahead of us." ,-said Agent T another undercover member behind him.

"Do all our codenames come from our last names?" ,-asked Agent M. as he gets used to his new uniform. "I can even use this as a hero suit." ,-he thought.

"Yeah, they do." ,-said Agent T as they meet up with the rest of the group.

"This is Agent C 17829, we are under attack!" ,-he yelled across the radio channel.

"Already!" ,-said Agent T. getting his .50 caliber turret.

"Looks like they weren't kidding." ,-said Izuku sprinting in the lightweight suit armor into the helicopter headed to the rest of the team coordinates.

They pass through some small woods outside the city in which has turned into a battlefield.
"Copy that we are on the way." ,-said Agent T. again.

The pilot drops off Izuku and the rest of the team outside the woods. And started following the gunshots in the distance.

"There's they are!" ,-Agent T pointed out And rushing in for cover as the enemy has spotted them.

"Glad you joined the fight." ,-said Agent G throwing a grenade. Everyone including the enemy was using surprisers, but then again they started using grenades so......

"Ahhh!!!!!" ,-can be heard up ahead.

"You're under private property, surrender or worse." ,-said Agent G

"It's that really the best way to calm this whole situation?" ,-asked Agent T while Izuku joins in the fight.

*Scanning nearby enemies*
*67 located*

"Damn that's a lot." ,-said Midoriya taking position behind a tree, aims and locking in.

*Trrr!!!!!* *Trrrrrrr!!!!*

"Three down." ,-he said reloading.

While this was happening back with Agent T.
"We need to contact HQ."

"No, we got this covered." ,-said Agent G taking out a grenade launcher. "Come to me!" ,-he yelled firing more grenades.

*29 eliminated*

"God damn, G hell of a blast!" ,-said Agent T.

"Take cover!" ,-yelled Agent K

"It's okay Agent K." ,-said T

"Fuck me." ,-said K taking a shot in his left shoulder while being dragged by T to safety.

"More coming from the west side." ,- Izuku informed.

"They're trying to incircle is, breach their attack." ,-ordered Agent G as everyone moves forward.

"Take cover!" ,-yelled Agent C as he heard a missile coming.

"Everyone okay?" ,-said T

"I think so?" ,-said C

"Speak for yourself." ,-said Agent K throwing his gun to Izuku. "Use it can't pull the trigger." ,-he said as he catches his rifle and loading in ammo.

"Final charge we can't let this go on any longer." ,-said Agent G

(Just saying if the code name letters are annoying, in later chapters they will have nicknames for them. By the way who you guys are interested in a full-on Battleship Warfare? Just asking—let's get going.)

Izuku rushes through the woods and starts firing. Trrrr!!!! Trrrrr!!!!!    Trrr!!!!
He continues running through the trees taking cover.

One of the bullets hits K's weapon, "Fuck!" ,-he said dropping the gun. The team continues pushing in, as the enemy stated going down one by one.

After another hour of constant fighting and close to close combat. The hour almost reached to 10 pm. The unknown enemy had been obliterated.

"Hey M, we can clean this up my morning. Go back, we don't need anyone suspecting of you in any way." ,-said Agent G ordering him to head back.

"A....Okay." ,-said lzuku patching up K bullet wound and starts packing up his stuff.

"Thanks, man." ,-said K seeing Izuku leaving the end of the battlefield.


Izuku gets dropped off near the school and
he sneaks through the school to the classroom, and it seems everyone is exhausted from today's activities. So he takes off his uniform and puts it on his bag. It was dead quiet compared to when everyone was awake.

"Let's see what tomorrow adventure will bring." ,-he thought to pull in his sleeping bag.
"Who were those guys that attacked us?" ,-he thought to close his eyes.

Izuku barely felt any sleep, as the morning went by quickly. The sun rays started passing through the huge classroom windows.

"Already?" ,-he thought to get up. Slowly one by one, everyone from 1-X got up.

"Good morning." ,-said Nora looking across the room seeing Creed.

"Good morning." ,-responded Izuku walking out from his room.

*Back in the woods*

"Sir, there's one alive." ,-said T dragging an enemy out of the woods.

G immediately stormed towards the wounded soldier.
"You better start talking." ,-said Agent G grabbing the wounded enemy soldier by the collar. "Do make me repeat it. You better have answers."

Izuku the Lost Soldier: Nuclear Ignition  Where stories live. Discover now