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After that whole ordeal Taehyung ignored the other. Yeah he understood Hoseok was possessive. He has said he owned him but he could only take so much. He liked Hoseok he'd admit it. He want to be only Hoseok's and he wanted Hoseok to be only his. He wanted him to be his first real relationship but it seems like hoseok didn't want that. He just doesn't understand why he was being so sensitive, if someone did that to him he'd throw hands but no he cried and ate random things when he got home.

Hoseok regretted what he did. He went too far but could you blame him he didn't know how to deal with this type of thing. He grew up only knowing aggression. The type of people he knew were drug dealers and gang members. But it doesn't change anything, he still hurt his baby doll.

"What's been going on with you bro, you've been all down and shit." Yoongi asked, it was just him and Hoseok on the roof top of the school. The others had some things to do.

"I don't wanna talk about it."

"It's about Taehyung isn't it?" Hoseok looked up and nodded taking a drag of his cigarette. "Bro, when I told you try to talk to him I didn't mean slam him into the wall and almost giving him a concussion."

"I know, I just panicked when he tried to leave." Yoongi just shook his head.

"Kook told me that Tae likes you. He said he talks about you and he's mentioned Emily before. He's jealous man. You should have assured him. I've known you for years. We both know that you like him. What other fling would you have stopped from leaving you. Usually if they want to leave, you hold the door open for them." Hoseok just listened to his friend's words. "You need to make it up to him. Do something to reassure him that he's the only one for you. That is if you want him to be."

"I do but I don't know how."

"Think dumbass." Yoongi slapped the back of the other's head.

"Fuck you don't have to hit me." Hoseok rubbed his head. "What if I ask him out." Hoseok said in realization.

"Bingo." Hoseok smiled at his friend.

"Thanks man."

"That's what friends are for." Yoongi shrugged taking Hoseok's cigarette and smoking it.

|the next day|


Tae I know you're
Probably still mad at me
But please hear me out
I miss you, I miss all our touches
All your kisses, I miss your laugh.
I miss you, so please, if you miss
Me even just a little bit. Meet me at my usual spot during my free period. I'll be waiting for you baby.

Taehyung read the message after he got done getting dressed. Of course he missed Hoseok. He hated to admit it but he fucking missed Hoseok. Every single thing about him he missed. Maybe Hoseok didn't understand that he had feelings for him. There's miscommunication somewhere. Maybe it would be best to tell him.

"I'm going to tell him." Taehyung smiled to himself. "If he doesn't feel the same way. At least I tried." He looked into his mirror. "Look at me getting all worked up over some guy. I guess I'm changing for the better." He grabbed his things and left the house. Hoping for the best to come out of the meet up.

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