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After the incident between me and Jin. I started noticing Jin not bothering my Taebaby, I'm glad, I really wouldn't want to kill one of my best friends.

As for Tae he's changing, his body is changing but he doesn't know it. Of course me and the other's could smell my scent mixing with his. It's quite worrying that we're still not on good terms. He's still fucking people, I just hope he don't catch anything, he's still human after all.

His smell is so enticing, it's getting hard to ignore it, I just want to claim him. I'd keep my hands off if I had someone to talk to but Joon and yoongi have been busy. They're always out then come back smelling like that bitch ass carrot and bunny. Even Jin sometimes comes back smelling like Jungkook.

"Aye, your parents been calling your phone nonstop." Joon said as he held up my ringing phone. I took the phone from him and continued to towel dry my hair since I just got out of the shower. right when I answered Joon left to his room.

"hello?" and of course my mother is hollering on the other end. "mom chill."

"what do you mean chill I've called bout a hundred times, I thought something had happened to you!!"

"I was taking a shower."

"sure you were."

"what do you want mom?" I rolled my eyes, she always has to be judging me.

"I just called to check on my precious baby." you could practically hear her smile.

"why couldn't you check on your other precious baby."

"your sister is perfectly capable of taking care of herself."

"And you're saying I'm not?!"

"Yes." She said in a 'duh' manner. "You're so far away. How are your grades? Have you found a girlfriend yet? Are you still mean? Are you brushing your teeth?-"

"Mom stop, grades aren't important-"


"Neither is having a girlfriend."

"Hey! Well it wouldn't hurt."

"Yes yes it would...alot actually."

"So i see you're still mean." My mother tsked on the other end.

"Why was that even a question." I said grabbing a pair of pants and sliding them on.

"I had hope."

"Why did you really call mom?"

"A little birdie told me that you've been busy." She smiled picking at her nails.

"What birdie? Doesn't matt-"

"Well i want to meet him thats all. So this Friday. dinner our house. No if ands or buts about it. Okay I love you bye." That was all she said vefire hanging up the phone.



I know💩

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