"That was a good kick, brat, I'll give you that. But that's not enough." Jiraiya said.

Naruto charged up a low-powered Rasengan and made another clone which also had a low-powered Rasengan. The clone backed up a bit, before they both ran towards each other, with their Rasengan out.

Jiraiya was curious as to what they were doing until Naruto's Rinnegan pulsed and he found himself in between the two Narutos, pinched in between two balls of energy. When the two Rasengan dissipated and the clone dispelled, Naruto grabbed Jiraiya and threw him.

"That was a good strategy. Did you use your Rinnegan?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yeah, I saw Sasuke do that switching move a bunch of times. When me and my clone charged at each other with Rasengan, that was actually a copy of the first strategy Sasuke used with his Rinnegan." Naruto said with a bit of a sad smile.

Jiraiya powered up a Rasengan and charged at Naruto, faking a left punch, then going for a left kick which hit Naruto. He then finished the combo with his Rasengan in his right hand.

Naruto saw the Rasengan go to him very slowly. His Mangekyo Sharingan activated, and out of instinct, he made the Rasengan become intangible; making it impossible for it to affect him (1). He jumped back and looked down at his hands, his face crestfallen.

"What's wrong, brat?" Jiraiya asked.

"I've been severely weakened. It's like I'm a teenager again," Naruto said with a comically sad voice. "It's going to take forever to get back to my regular strength!" He slouched and became depressed, Hashirama-style. Almost as quickly his depression came, he bounced back, becoming happy again.

"You're still extremely powerful. I can tell you're holding back. You also just used a technique from your Mangekyo Sharingan, so it seems like you're going to grow past your past strength." Jiraiya said to Naruto helpfully.

Naruto smiled and said, "Thanks.. Ero-Sennin!"

Jiraiya became irritated and rushed Naruto again, wielding dual Rasengan in both of his palms. Naruto loosened up a bit and dodged Jiraiya's blows with more ease, flowing past his strikes and countering them with his own. Naruto broke out of the exchange and jumped back once again, changing his stance.

He jumped to a tree and broke off a branch, using his chakra to mold it into a bo-staff. He spread his legs far apart, almost looking like he was halfway between doing the splits and just standing regularly. His right arm (which was holding the staff) far back, and his left arm having a Rasengan ready. 

"I've never seen that stance before, what is that called?" Jiraiya asked.

"Hmm.. I've never gave it a name.. I'll call it the Naruto style!" Naruto declared with a smile. Jiraiya chuckled. "Now, if I was actually going all out, I would have my actual bo-staff, which is made of a material that disintegrates anything on contact."

Jiraiya's face blanched at that statement. He was glad he wasn't his enemy. 

Naruto charged at Jiraiya, jabbing him in the stomach with his bo-staff at an almost un-shinobi-like speed. Jiraiya was taken aback by the jab; he saw it before he felt it. Naruto then kicked him in the chest, and knocked him back around 20 feet. He followed up by incorporating wind chakra into his Rasengan and turning it into a Rasenshuriken. He threw it at Jiraiya.

"I concede!" Jiraiya said. Naruto quickly dispelled his Rasenshuriken. He walked up to Jiraiya and helped him up. "You're powerful, brat. You could probably take on all three of us and win."

Naruto smiled and scratched the back of his head and thanked him.

"I have the Chunin exams in a month, by the way." Naruto said.

"What? You're too powerful to be in the exams!" Jiraiya said.

"Don't worry, Ero-Sennin. The old-man and I have agreed to simply manipulate some aspects of the exam, and I'm only going to fight certain people, not fresh Genin."

Jiraiya seemed to have calmed down at that statement.

"Naruto, something terrible has happened." Naruto was pulled into his mindscape. "What happened, Kurama?"

"We've never discussed what happened with our past counterparts. And because of that, the Akatsuki has my past self."

"Damn.. how many tailed beasts do they have right now?"

"None, they only have your past body. They have to absorb everyone else before they get us."

Naruto sighed in relief. "Well that's good. I need to regain my powers again; most of my ability was lost when I used that seal." he chuckled and scratched the back of his head. He then left his mindscape.

Jiraiya and Hiruzen gave him questioning looks. "Oh, I spaced out for a bit because I was talking to Kurama. Apparently the Akatsuki has taken my past counterpart away." Naruto said.

"We should go and find your past counterpart then." Hiruzen said.

"No, its fine. Due to certain logic, when I came into this timeline I actually replaced/killed my old self, the only thing left there is a body. And besides, they have to look for the rest of the tailed beasts before they can do anything with my old body. We still have a month before the Chunin exams begin, correct?"

Hiruzen nodded.

"Okay, for this whole month I will train." Naruto said. And he walked off to his apartment, getting ready for the next day of his training month.

(1) Since Obito's intangibility is based off of how he can use Kamui on himself to just transport certain parts of his body so that they are technically not 'there', Naruto does the same, just at a distance.

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