Out of nowhere Erik started to walk, with me still in his arms and his lips still latched onto my neck. Adrian followed with no encouragement till we were all crowded in my bedroom. I hadn't even realized that Erik had walked up the stairs caring me until we came to a stop a few feet inside my bedroom. Erik gingerly carried me to the bed, his hands easily detaching mine from his shirt and hair and my legs from around his waist. He moved till he was resting on his side, his chest pressed against my entire right side of my body, while Adrian remained standing at the foot of my bed.

"You gave him an orgasm my love. I want one as well." Erik whispered against my ear, his fingers lightly trailing up the large t-shirt that I had been wearing to bed, exposing the thin underwear I had been wearing from the night before. 

I bit my lip when Erik easily slipped the fabric down my legs till it rested against my ankles. 

"I-I didn't give him an orgasm Erik, h-he never got to finish." I felt my cheeks burn an even brighter red when the sound of their combined laughter registered in my ears. 

"He wasn't talking about my orgasm carina, he's talking about yours." Adrian smirked, crossing his arms over his broad chest and leaning back against the door frame.

"Yes, and although Adrian shared the sight of you with me and the sounds you made that nearly drove me wild. I still want-need to feel you as you cum around my fingers." Erik growled, yanking my shirt up over my head and exposing my breasts to him. My nipples automatically hardened at the feel of the cool air caressing them, drawing an involuntary moan from my lips. 

"I'll try to make it last love, but I don't think I can wait that long." With those final words Erik descended on my chest that made me squeal in surprise when his mouth clamped around a nipple, suckling it deep into his mouth.

I don't remember how long he spent laving at one before changing over to give the same amount of attention to my other nipple, but it felt like it was taking forever especially when Erik would lightly bite to the point that I would cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure because of the signals that would be sent to the apex of my legs, making my insides liquefy with need. 

I cried out once more when Erik did it again, this time he continued to nibble on the hardened peak, showing no signs that he was going to stop any time soon. At this point my legs were quivering, my body was glazed with a thin film of sweat and my core was literally leaking my desires all over my bed spread.

"PLEASE! God Erik! Please let me cum!!" I wailed, flailing around in an attempt to apply any form of pressure to the spot throbbing with pent up energy between my legs. When Erik made no sounds and refused to move away from my chest I turned my eyes to Adrian who had stood as still as a statue at the foot of the bed watching with eyes that glowed his own hunger. 

"A-Adrian my love!" I moaned, spreading my thighs so that he could see my need. "Make me cum." I begged, my voice turning into a groan when Erik pulled away and lightly slapped my inner thigh, so close to my core that the vibrations had my hips hitching off the bed and grinding on nothing but air.

"My little temptress should be more patient or else she might be punished." Erik hissed, gripping  my jaw tightly between his thumb and fingers. "You're already punishing me." I whimpered, turning sad eyes on to Erik, my need for release forcing me to come out with my biggest guns. Tears with a heavy dose of puppy dog eyes. Erik stared into my eyes, his brow had begun to furrow until he was full out glaring at me. "I know what you're doing Carina and I'm not falling for it, but I've held myself off as long as I can and right now...I need to taste you."

I felt a smile about to split my face before Erik gave my jaw a little shake. "But the next time I get you into a bed, I'm going to remember this." I felt a slight shiver of fear crawl down my spine, but before it could fully take root and destroy my moment, Erik gripped my legs and pulled me upwards till my back was resting against the head board and my feet were placed on either side of Erik's shoulders.

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