Chapter 6-"Grandma"

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Crystal's P.O.V

It was in the afternoon when we got the phone call at school. It's now the day that I've feared but also expected, but why now everything was perfect. My grandma died. Saul and I sat in the schools main office weeping together, until our mother came to pick us up.

When we got to the hospital most of my dad's side of the family was in the waiting, all mourning together. The doctor told us that my grandmothers body had just suddenly stopped fighting the cancer which caused her death. At least she didn't die painfully, if was peacefully.


When we got home I go straight upstairs to my room to mourn by myself and Saul goes to his. Soon enough Erica texts me and ask why I left school so early; when I tell her what happened she says she'll be right over.

When Erica arrives she knocks on my door and I grant her entrance.

"Babe I'm so sorry. " she says with sympathy. Then crawls into my bed with me to cuddle.

I turn around so we are facing each other face-to-face. My hazels deepened with sadness meeting her sympathetic pulchritudinous dark Browns.

Erica caresses the side of my face with the back of her hand. "It's gonna be alright." She says, "just think about something Winston Churchill once said 'if your going through hell, keep going.'"

"I hope so." I respond

"You have me, It's definite." Erica say all giggly like, trying to brighten the mood.

" I love that about you" I say, after a pause and admire her facial features.

"What?" She asks suddenly shy.

"Your comforting," I say and she blushes. "I also love that you have a good heart." I say kissing her chest just above from where her heart should be. "I love that your so smart." I say, kissing her forehead then finish off by kissing her lips for the joy of it.

"Well I love everything thing about you" Erica's says then kisses my forehead,chest, hand, nose, and lips.

"Ugh what would I do without you?" I say, propping myself up with my elbow and looking into her mesmerizing dark brown eyes that have softened.

"I don't know, probably watch Teen Wolf." Erica jokes

"Haha so funny." I say sarcastically.

"Nah for real it's like you love Teen Wolf more than me." Erica whines and makes a fake pouty face.

"And that just might be true." I tease and Erica hits me.

"Ok but seriously, what do you do when I'm not here?" Erica asks.

" umm... Draw" I answer after thinking about it.

"Well when ever you miss me, draw me a picture." She replies.

We lay in bed for awhile enjoying each others presence until I break the silence.

"Erica do you ever think about dying?" I exclaim.

"I mean I guess. Not much though because I'm terrified of dying." She answers.

"I think about it all the time, but to be honest I'm not afraid to die....especially for you" i say.

"Stop..your to much." Erica blushes.

"No I'm serious, I would die for you" I say, grabbing both of her hands and bringing them to my lips and kissing them.

"When I die promise me you won't forget me." Erica says

"I promise" I respond.

Erica and I stay up for the rest of the afternoon talking, until she had to leave.

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