Chapter 13: Hat Philosophy & Very Bad Imposters

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"What class do you have right now?" Professor Snape asked.

"I'm supposed to be in Transfiguration. I sent Myrtle to Professor McGonagall saying I'd miss it." I said, rubbing my eyes. I almost didn't realize I hadn't slept all night. "Becky can help me with the homework if it's needed.

"It would be prudent for you not to attend classes for the rest of the day...."

"Pish posh," I said humorously. "I only needed to miss Transfiguration. I'll be fine for the rest of the day."

"You didn't eat any breakfast, and you look like you haven't slept –"

"Those aren't good excuses for me, Professor. I'm not sick," I said, surprised I had the audacity to go against Professor Snape's better judgment. What else can I really do? I can't just miss a day of classes. I couldn't have even imagined Professor Snape suggesting for me to do anything like that!

He took a deep breath, "I insist you take a rest from classes for the rest of the day."

"Please, no, Professor." I said. When he merely raised an eyebrow, I sighed in exasperation. "It's no good to argue about it. I can't miss anything in my other classes."

"You can on my insistence, Riddle. Take it in that way."

"I can't leave it?"

"I'm not giving you that option."

Who knew Professor Snape would be an exasperation to argue with? "I need something to occupy my thoughts. Class always helps with that."

"I can help you occupy your thoughts later after you've had some sleep."

"If you haven't noticed, I didn't sleep at all last night.. so sleep is out of the question. I want to have something to do. Classwork and homework will do the trick." I said.

"What do you really need to occupy your thoughts for? Surely you and Mr. Potter's capability of speaking Parseltongue isn't what has been most on your mind. Spit it out. You haven't been the same cheerful person all week." Professor Snape said, watching me intently.

Oh, he is impossible. I sighed, "It's my mom."

He looked as though he'd won in a game of bingo, "What about her?"

"I... I sent her a letter asking a simple question, which I don't feel inclined to talk about. She then sent a Howler back, as I'm sure you had heard some week ago, which was the reason I asked to be on the list to stay at school."

"I must ask, just what was the 'simple question?'"

"Professor –"

"– I insist."

"It was about my dad, okay? Professor Lockhart let it slip about how afraid he was that I could be like him, and I flipped out! She obviously told him about my dad, and just didn't tell me anything but small details!"

I was silent with that. Professor Snape leaned back, deep in thought. I had to break the silence so he could forget what I just blurted out.

"I don't want to go back to the common room, anyway... once Becky finds me there, I'll never hear the end of it. Couldn't I stay here for the time being?"

"No... you are going to your dorm room to sleep. Miss Figsund will give you what you missed later."

I groaned. Sleep was certainly not what I'd had in mind.

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