Chapter 21 - Agatha's Cursed Necklace

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"Father, she always kept telling me that she is ready. She was no longer afraid and that she missed you so much that it hurt her," says Marilyn.

For a while, they remain silent as they continue to ride home. "Would you mind if I contacted her?"

Aranorn looks towards her. "I see nothing wrong with it. She is after all your sister. I also think Leticia would like it. But I doubt Lisa will be able to answer you. She is only five autumn's old. Come on let's pick up the pace. We need to get this convoy to the castle before the storm hits."

They reached the city when icy cold winds starts to buffet the convoy ahead of the impending snowstorm. The courtyard of the castle provides ample coverage from the ragging snowstorm for the convoy to disassemble.


Sabrina is with her mother when the convoy arrives and she stares at Sameth first in surprise, but it soon turns into wrath when Marilyn leads Grendelow to his stall. Marilyn greets Sabrina with a bright smile. Arwin shortly follows Marilyn with Whistler and completely ignores Sabrina.

Sabrina watches in horror when Arwin sneaks up on Marilyn and he catches her up in his arms with a very romantic and passionate kiss. She looks up at the prince after that kiss and a jealous hatred smolders in the pit of Sabrina's belly. The prince never kissed her that passionately and she wants what Marilyn now has of the prince. His love.

Sabrina seethes with anger as Marilyn walks around the castle as if she owns it. She barks orders like a knight and expects them to be followed. Marilyn walks up to Sabrina a smile playing across her face. "Sabrina, I don't care how you found out and I sincerely thank you. Now I no longer need to wear this ridiculous disguise as Sameth. A word of warning. I'll be keeping my eyes on you," Marilyn says to Sabrina.

Sabrina did not bother to hide her open contempt for the woman with a fierce glare.

"How did you escape again? You were supposed to be arrested for impersonating a soldier." Sabrina hissed at Marilyn.

"I am a paladin under trial and because of this, I am protected by the law of the kingdom. For saving the convoy from certain doom I claimed the title of knight and for saving the dragonqueen I upheld my oath as a knight. It is Lady knight, too you," Marilyn corrects Sabrina with an air of confidence.

"Humph... You a knight? Don't make me laugh," Sabrina replies disdainfully.

"Sabrina, you will treat her with the respect due to a knight of this kingdom. She is an official knight of Ristheart and my knight. She told me everything. Your plan didn't work Sabrina." Arwin says arrogantly.

"Your majesty, you would betray me for this excuse of a girl. She is only a courtesan because her father is the knight commander. She has no title, while I am the daughter of a viscount," Sabrina replies smugly.


Marilyn raises her eyebrow. I can't believe this woman thinks so much of herself. Someone needs to put her in her place. "That also makes you nothing more than a courtesan, Sabrina. I have an official title that I earned. Can you claim the same?" Marilyn replies.

The smug grin on Sabrina's face disappears and is replaced by an angry scowl. She snarls and stomps off to where her mother is talking with the queen. Marilyn went back to take care of her horse. She feels like a fish out of water. Did she do that? Did I have the right to do that to Sabrina? Arwin helps her and once she is finished placing fresh tack in Grendelow's feeding through they leave together.

The soldiers and servants still need to unload the caravans and return some of the equipment to the storage basement of the castle. Lord Ashton asks for her assistance to help him carry down a few old spell books to the library and some magical equipment they used at the magic fair of the king's council.

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