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"How about Chinese?" My dad asks while me and Noah sit on the floor in my empty room. "Yeh sure" I mumble. "Okay Noah text me what you guys want I am going to run so errands and get the food!" My dad says and closes the door.

"Look there's a bunch of different coloured pain here and your dad wants you to have a room here so how about we put music on and paint?" Noah asks and I nod. "Help me up" I stretch my arms out and he grabs my hand pulling me up.

"Here's a brush now what colour do you want your room to be?" Noah says. "Hmm white and grey" I basically sing. "Okay here's the white paint, let's start painting this wall" he says and we do.


"Food!" Noah says and grabs my hand pulling me in to the kitchen. He pulls out a stool and taps it for me to sit on it. I do and he hands me a plate. I pick at my food and slide it away as I get off of my stool. I walk to the fridge and pull a water out.

"You need to eat more" Noah mumbles. I ignore him.

"Ella, you..." I cut him off "I'm not hungry" I shrug and was about to sit on the couch but metal slams.

I turn to see that Noah has slammed his fork on his plate and stood up. "What are you doing?" I shout. "Why are you like this? Ok yeah Jason fucked up or whatever but you put yourself through shit over it and you don't even try to make yourself better, you could seriously harm yourself by not eating and your going to do that over him, a piece of shit!" Noah shouts.

"He is not a piece of shit, I love him Noah and you can't accept that and that's why I don't feel okay over it because I am in love with that boy, you must really hate it because you always get so mad over us!" I shout back.

"Because you always go back to him and I want a chance I'm here when your upset and you never want me, I have to come to you, I have to make the effort"

"Well not to be rude but then maybe you should get a hint Noah, I love that your there for me but in a friend way because I don't like you"

"Why not?" He crosses his arms.

I sigh and look around. "You should go"

"That's not an answer" he raises his eyebrows.

"I don't want to answer because I don't have a reason, your a great guy but for some reason which I don't know why I'm not attracted to you" I sigh

"That's just great" he grabs his jacket and storms to the front door.

"Noah" I shout.

He swings the door open and I run and grab his arm.


"What?" He shouts

"I'm-I'm sorry" I sigh and he pulls his arm from my grip slamming the door behind him.

Never mind not having Jason, I don't even have Noah as a friend anymore. I grab all the food and throw it in the trash and then jump back on to couch. I sigh again and close my eyes and when I open them back up I scream.

"Dad" I shout out of breath "you Okay?" He asks and I just nod. "You scared the life out of me" I say "well I thought you could've been not breathing or something so I was just checking" he shrugs.

"Ok well I'm going to bed see you in the morning?" My dad says and I nod. I listen to his footsteps, the sound fading away and I fall asleep on the couch.


"Wake up" my dads voice pitch's as I open my eyes. I rub my eyes and yawn. "Ella I'm late for work but I made you breakfast and coffee, there's money on the counter because your going on holiday so I think you should get yourself out the house, go shopping for food" my dad says and waves me goodbye.

I ran up stairs and slide of my joggers and shirt. I pulled on black leather pants with a white t- shirt. I slide on my trainers and grabbed my jacket and bag. I realised I didn't have my car and sat on the curb while calling an Uber.


I got to the closest shopping centre and went inside while looking for a shoe shop. I found one and bought a few pairs of sandals. I then went and bought a bunch of shorts and shirts. After I was done I went in to a few makeup shops.

"Ella?" A familiar voice called I turned to see my friends Maddie, Sophia and Emma. Me and Maddie grew up in Washington and I haven't spoke to to her for a few months she ran at me wrapping her arms around me and I hugged back. I noticed there was some other girl talking to Emma and I furrowed my eyebrows.

She turned around and oh my god. Jade. Jason and Joes sister. My eyes grew wide but she walked over acknowledged me and pulled me in a hug anyway. "Are you okay?" She asks "Yeh have you spoke to Jason lately?" I ask her "Yeh I know" she says.

"You know?... you know and your still talking to me?" I ask "just because you aren't together doesn't mean I wouldn't ever speak to you" she mumbles in to my shoulder.

"Great... Good" I mumble and hide my head in her shoulder trying not to get to emotional. "Are you okay?" She asks "I truly love him jade" I whisper. "I know.. I really do" she sighs.

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