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The next time I sit on Jairo, we move. I feel my stomach do little flips of excitement as I take in all the people. I look back once we're a slight distance away- Green and Thinking Mountain are still very visible, and the trees of Bahariya. I wonder if Date and her mother will return to the oasis now that we're gone. I chew my lips, looking to the top of Green Mountain, imagining my past self sitting up there, looking out hopelessly to the horizon. I remember the nights and shudder. However I can't deny that Bahariya was my home for a while. I try for a few moments to remember how many times I saw the moon full and thin while I was at the oasis. 

Well, well, well, I think to myself, unable to stop the grin from spreading on my face. I settle myself deeper onto Jairo's back, feeling snug. Look at me now. 

Musa tried to strap one of those tent contraptions on my camel, but I refused. If I had that, my view of everything would be greatly reduced.

Jairo has a lot of luggage slung around her back, and two of those metal jugs to make the cream Musa talked about.

I look around to see some kids playing a game, giggling with their hands in their mouths, running through the moving mass of people. The sound of the moving caravan is a bit hard to describe but I'll try; there's some jingling, clanking and creaking noises from all the baggage and decoration on the camels. A lot of voices: talking, laughing, shouts, and a range of sounds from babies. I might find it overwhelming if it wasn't so exhilarating.

Musa walks by Jairo's head, holding the lead. I wonder idly if he does it out of protection in case he thinks I'm still fearful about riding, or if he thinks I'll run off with his beloved camel. I look at the back of Musa's head, and decides that he probably doesn't think the worst of me.

I undoubtedly enjoy that he leads Jairo and I don't have to worry about steering. I sit back comfortably, soothed by the rocking of Jairo's gait. Everything around us is so open; I look around in wonder, my eyes wide, absorbing the desert. We started moving around sunrise, and I thoroughly enjoy the display of nature at this time. 

"You have that look in your eyes. One I know very well." 

My gaze turns down, realizing that he had looked up at me. My eyes slightly narrow instinctively. "And what might that be?" I reply.

"The kind of look where you are stunned by the natural beauty of Allah's world." His eyes sweep everything surrounding us.

I frown— that was hardly the look. "You cannot say that you knew what I was thinking."

Musa chuckles at my expression. "Certainly not." He agrees, then shakes his finger up at me, smiling. "But I know the look."

Aliya of BahariyaWhere stories live. Discover now