"What do you mean my waffles are overcooked?! They taste amazing!" Rantaro said defensively, taking a bite of his own creation.

"Pft, amazing my ass, my butler makes better food than this." Kaede scoffed playfully, downing another bite. Kokichi and Saihara only giggled at their friend's normal morning banter. 

Once everyone had awakened, Kaede had tied her hair up in a messy bun and Rantaro's usually well-groomed hair fluffed up and stuck out in all angles. Kokichi couldn't be hypocritical on that particular trait though, his hair looked like a curly hell in the morning.  Saihara was the only one who constantly looked pretty, as his hair was a lot straighter than the others. (HAHAHA BUT HE ISN'T)

"You're so lucky Saihara, you constantly look like a pretty model. Some of us have to put in the effort to look good. Are your parent's models or something?" Kaede teased, pointing her syrup coated fork at the boy. Kokichi took a bite of his waffle and watched on in curiosity. This could give me more info on the photo in his drawer

"Ah, well," Saihara took a bite and continued. "They're actors, more renowned in America though. I'm half American myself." That explains why his father didn't look very Japenese.

"I'm surprised they don't let ya live in their mansion. My dad does business overseas, so me, my sisters and my mom leech off of his pay." Rantaro said, resting his chin in his hand. 

Damn rich people, Kokichi thought to himself. 

"Mine are musicians, it's where my love for piano came from I guess," Kaede said in a typical humble brag manner.

"What about you Kokichi? What do your parents do?" Saihara questioned curiously. Kokichi swallowed and laughed awkwardly. How am I supposed to explain my family dynamic to him? Kaede and Shuichi don't know... ohgodohgod, think!

"So Ouma Kun, about your mom, when do you wanna go? Y'know, what time? She can come over to my house too. My mom's been wantin' to see her." Rantaro questioned, flipping the original topic on its head. Kokichi let out a relived but subtle sigh. He wasn't ready for Shuichi and Kaede to know that side of his past yet. 

"I-I'll ask her..." Kokichi said, smiling away the last of his anxiety. 

Saihara hummed and averted his gaze, suddenly pouty. Digging up information on Kokichi was going to be harder than he thought, especially with Rantaro white knighting Ouma all of the time.

Maybe he should just kill the avocado! :) 


Kokichi stared at himself in the mirror while Rantaro shaved his perfectly structured face. He looked at each of his flaws in great detail. How was he going to fix this before the gang hit the town? He didn't want his beloved to see him if he looked like shit. 

"Hey, stop bagging on yourself, alright? You're cute, you always were and always will be." Rantaro said, comforting the smaller boy with his smile. Kokichi blushed and tied his black hair up in a short ponytail. "We can get your hair dyed today if you'd like. My dad just deposited like, 100,000 yen into my account, so we can go wild." Rantaro said, splashing water on his face. 

"Really!?" Kokichi exclaimed, his face brightening up almost immediately. Rantaro nodded and ruffled his friends' hair. 

"Are you two done? I'm bored and I'm pretty sure Miu is at the mall with that bitch. We have to stop her." Kaede groaned, leaning up against the door frame. 

"Yup, We're ready," Rantaro said cooly, leading Kokichi out of the bathroom. 


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