Chapter 3

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Saihara wasn't expecting much out of his new roommate. He had anticipated the usual judgmental, slow-minded mouth breather that he just couldn't stand. Saihara was sure he would be transferring schools by the end of the semester. 

His uncle had enlisted him into Spring Field Academy to cut costs on living expenses, despite how much money his detective career had brought to the table. Saihara was sure that he just wanted him gone.

Saihara lazily stuffed his clothing into his drawers, attitude fueling his actions. Why'd he have to switch schools? He was perfectly happy at his other school!

He sighed, flopping down on his bed. Pulling out his laptop from his luggage, he rewatched season 45 of Danganronpa. 


"I r-really wanted to share a dorm with you, Rantaro..." Kokichi sighed, sinking into his Nagito Komaeda hoodie. "I'm probably gonna be roomed with a b-bully! Or a creep!" 

"You're gonna be fine. Listen, if you need you can sneak out. It's not that big of a deal." Rantaro said in his usual, cool and comforting voice. Kokichi had been lucky enough to room with Rantaro the past 2 years, but for some reason, the school board had decided that rooming Kokichi with the new student would be a good idea. Rantaro may be kind of wild and rebellious, but he always kept Kokichi safe.

Kokichi sighed and fidgeted with his small Monokuma plusie. This year was going to be rough.


 Shuichi looked up, hearing the door creak open slowly. He closed his laptop and let out an annoyed sigh. Looks like his 'roommate' was here to interrupt his binge. Looking up, his eyes were met with something unexpected. There was a small dark-haired boy with a wild, scared look in his eyes. 

He looks just like Mikan, minus the purple hair... Shuichi thought to himself.  

"U-Uhm, I-I'm sorry if I-I Interrupted something uh- I'm Kokichi Ouma..." The boy said, looking everywhere but at Saihara. Saihara had felt a tinge irritated at the boy's apparent difficulty. 

"It's fine. I'm Shuichi Saihara." Shuichi had said in a cold monotone voice. Kokichi walked over to his side of the room, timidly sitting down on his bed. Shuichi watched him from the corner of his eye. Red 55, huh? "Nice hoodie. I liked Nagito. He was so fun to watch. I loved how much despair he brought to the cast!" Shuichi exclaimed, excitement entering his voice.

"O-Oh! Uhm, he's my all time favorite! I'm glad you don't think I'm a total creep... I was afraid you'd shove me out the window or something." Kokichi had said, twidling his thumbs. His tone was light, but there was an underlying darkness to it. Shuichi was sure that this kid had something to hide.

"At least you aren't boring..." Shuichi muttered, his thoughts escaping his mouth. Kokichi flushed slightly, averting his gaze to the floor. 

That night, the two had talked about a lot, mostly about their favorite characters and seasons. Shuichi had opened up about how his mom and dad left him for their acting careers and how he had idolized his uncles work. He also briefly touched on how his uncle had practically dumped him at Spring Field. 

Kokichi listened intently, glad to have someone to talk to. He was unsure as to why Shuichi was opening up to him like this, but he rolled with it. Little did Kokichi know that his slight fascination with the boy would turn him into a stalker. 

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