Chapter 12: Internships

Start from the beginning

I'm so happy but at the same time, it makes me want to work harder for him. I really need to make sure he doesn't find out about any of my training with Endeavour or my plan. Especially not my plan.

We walk into his office and he gets up to talk to us.

"Okay, you're both here," he says.

"Hello, (L/n) (Y/n). It's nice to meet you, I'll be working with you for this whole week," Endeavour says as if we've never met. I'm super thankful, I asked him to make it seem like it's our first time meeting in front of Shoto beforehand.

"Hello, Endeavour. Thank you so much for giving me an offer. It's really an honour," I say.

We both change into our hero costumes and start to patrol around Hosu city.

"Hey (Y/n)," he says, "I always wanted to ask you but... uh, why does your sports uniform never burn up?"

"That's true, yours does right?" I laugh, "I ordered mine to be fireproof. All my clothes are fireproof so I don't strip naked every time I use it,"

"You can do that?" he asks, "I should've ordered mine that way too..."

I do a few arm-stretches in the air and Shoto spots the scar on my left arm.

"What's that?!" he asks in surprise.

"Oh, this?" I ask and pull up my sleeve, showing my full scar that goes the length of my whole forearm. I can see him frown from the corner of my eye.

"I'm sort of weird so my quirk manifested when I was born instead of when I was 3 or 4. The first time my quirk activated was on this arm and it left a really bad scar," I say and then I pause for a few seconds debating if I should continue. I haven't told anyone, not even my parents and yet I felt like telling him, "There was one time when my scar started to bleed from overwork. I go to the doctor for a monthly checkup but they don't really know what's actually wrong with it. Speaking of which, my checkup is coming up. It's on the day after the practical exam."

Shoto is frozen. I can tell he doesn't know what he should say.

"I'm fine right now, it doesn't hurt or anything," I say, "Don't make such a worried face,"

He smiles back, "Okay if you say so,"

I have to look away. He shouldn't be allowed to smile, he looks too good. "Oh, and I would appreciate if you don't tell anyone about what happens when I overwork. Honestly, I haven't even told my parents," I say sheepishly.

"Shouldn't you though?" He asks, really concerned.

"Y-yeah, my doctor keeps telling me to, but I don't want to put any more stress on my mom. She spends half her life worrying about me already..." I say.

"That must be nice," he says, "to have such nice parents."

I was about to deny it and tell him to forget about it but instead, I say; "Yeah. I'm really lucky," and smile.

Todoroki POV

I see her smile and it warms up my insides. I like her a lot. I like her so much. And I decide to confess. I decide that this is the right moment to confess.

"(Y/n), would you listen to what I have to say?"

"Yeah of course," she says. "What is it?"

"(Y/n), I like you. I like you a lot. Will you please be my girlfriend?" I ask and I feel my face flush red.

She blushes too and I can tell she's flustered. Then her phone rings.

"Oh, go ahead," I tell her.

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