Living with him

530 15 2

Just cuz I can time skip 4 weeks~~~

Matt has taught you quite a lot over the past 4 weeks, obviously you aren't at his "godly" level, but you're ok to get the jist of things with a bit of a helping hand here and there. Matt is a really good and patient teacher.

One morning you woke up in your bedroom at you Matt's apartment, you were able to bring all your old things there for. You're house before,... including those posters... Matt never goes into your room, which you believe is very polite of him. You stretch on the bed smoothing out your disheveled (h/c) locks and walking over to your wardrobe. You pull out your decker uniform, as you've grown a little attached to it, and put it on. You proceeded to do your makeup and brush your hair in the main bathroom. It was really cute how you and Matt had matching baskets for your makeup and toiletries. When you finished you had breakfast and brushed your teeth, only then did you realise you hadn't seen Matt all morning. You head over to his bedroom and knock on the door, no responce. You got a little worried so you announced you were coming in and entered. You looked around and found him curled up on the floor with his laptop in front of him. With some Nyteblade fan fiction on screen. You peer at his face, resting peacefully, his breathing was a little heavy and his face flushed. You frown. 'Did he have a fever?'. You blush as you look him over and crouch beside him, he was only wearing boxer shorts. You brush his hair out of the way and feel his forehead. He seemed a little warm, but he didn't really have a fever. He makes a deep ish kind of sound, concerning you again. 'Is he ok?'. You flinch as his arm swoops you into an embrace. Blushing redder than a strawberry you squeal a teeny bit unable to hold back, he stirs, only to snuggle you closer. You begin to admire his body, though he's thin he still looks well kept, he definitely doesn't let himself go, you subconsciously trace your fingers over his bare chest, a blush dusting your cheeks at the sight of his muscles, when you feel something hard poke your hip. Immediately flushing over with intense embarrassment you sputter nonsense and flail out of reach. Effectively waking Matt up. "W-what the bloody hell are you doing in my room?"

"I-i-i was worried that you were sick! But obviously your feeling pretty good" you pointed indignantly at 'little matt' blushing profusely. You weren't a virgin, but seeing other men like that made you remember feelings you didn't want to right now.

Matt's face reddened but he kept his cool. "What does it make you Randy?"

You jumped off the floor and darted out of the room. The red on your cheeks getting remarkably darker. "You, you, you perverted bastard!" You turned to him. Matt stood in the doorway of his room smirking sheepishly at you. All shirtless and sexy. "Like you said, if you want to have a go, you just have to ask."

You calmed down and rolled your eyes. "Pff, you're probably just a wimpy virgin who wouldn't know how to do it anyway"

Matt's facade faltered. 'I guess I hit the nail on the head.'

"I am a Cyber, God! If I wanted a woman, I could get her easily!" Matt blushed indignantly crossing his arms over his slightly toned chest and walked back into his room in a huff. You giggled and headed to the office to work.

It had been a few hours of you and Matt tapping away on the keyboards in the dark room filled with monitors. Matt looked to be worried. He abruptly stood up pulling his phone out of his pocket dialing a number and tapping his foot.

Eventually Matt spoke into the device, "you have something that belongs to me" you heard a distant voice through the phone then Matt, "someone who's willing to strike a deal, if you bring the girls back I'll pay you top dollar per head" the voice in the phone again, Matt replies, "that's all I'm asking."
He hangs up and sits back down, looking a little tense. "Are you ok?" You ask.

No response. You sit there in silence for 10 minutes, Matt looks mad.

"I'll be back, (y/n), Killbane needs to speak with me" Matt is sweating and looks terrified as he stands and adjusts his coat.

"Stay safe." Is all you can say as he leaves.


It's 10.00 at night, you roll over in your bed wearing an over sized Decker shirt. You are worried about Matt. You can't stop thinking about him. 'I'm not falling asleep anytime soon so I may as well go read or something, in the livingroom' You thought. You stood and stretched before walking into the black and blue themed living room, grabbing a book from one of the two shelves beside the lounge and plonking into the lounge. You had read about ten pages before Matt's door opened, 'I guess he couldn't sleep either'

"Oh, (y/n), sorry to disturb you. I was struggling to sleep" he thumps over to you in his, oh so tempting boxer shorts hugging his hips at such a low angle, and sits lazily beside you. You close the book and put it down, "would you like to watch Nyteblade?"

"Yes! Uh I mean, yes, I'd love to" Matt is super cute when he's tired. He gets up and puts a random Nyteblade episode on. He gets excited and leaps onto the couch.

Half way into the episode, you fell asleep and rolled onto Matt's shoulder. Matt smiles at you and chuckles before turning off the tv and attempting to carry you to your bed. He lifted you pretty easily, you were decently heavy, like a sleeping dead weight person should be, and he carried you into your room. Matt tried to put you on the bed softly but lost his footing in the blue shaggy Matt dropped you and fell half on top of you. You, miraculously, didn't wake up and Matt struggled to hold back laughter as he propped himself up and looked down at your sleeping face. "Adorable" he whispered. And left the room.


Let's not mention that when I was consulting my friends on how to continue the chapter, they said "he could drop her and crush her to death, or, what if she slept with her eyes open and cross eyed hahaha and she rolls her face over and just stares at him cross eyed and asleep." 😂😂😭

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