#26 soft at heart

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mark kept glancing at us anxiously while leading the way

his whole posture seemed like he just wanted to curl himself up and hide

somehow it made me feel bad for him

when he stopped in front of a door not too far from the toilettes he pulled a keycard out of his pocket which gave us access to the room

the room turned out to be a big hallway with a lot of numbered door

mark immediately closed the door behind us when he noticed the sound of footsteps

number 15s door slowly opened and a small boy peaked into our direction

plastered with a big smile and loud giggles he sprinted towards us screaming from the top of his lungs with an abnormaly high pitch


the kid tackeled mark down as he jump-hugged him

alerted by the loud noise some other doors opened as well and other kids along with some of - what i assumed to be - their suprinsingly young mothers

their worried expressions turned into soft smiles at the sight of little mark being hugged to death

a few other children also started clinging on to him while asking him a huge variety of questions

only one child sat there on the floor next to mark holding his hand gently and patiently waiting for it all to be over

》i'm so sorry《

the womans voice wavered as she tried ti hold back a soft chuckle of hers

》come on minnie let go of him《

said boy thightened his grip around marks neck staring at his mother with a betrayed look in his big almost teary eyes

》if you let go i will make sure to mess up your lousy teddy got that?《

the childs voice went up as he screamed his threat just like he did when he first saw mark and alarmed the other ones

》not mr fluffel!《

》didn't you say teddy bears are for babies?《

》jaemin is a baby!《

》shut up jisung i'm not!《


》lalalala i can't hear you lalalalala《

while the four kids were too caught up in their squarrel the fifth one tried to make sure mark wasn't frightened by the loud yelling and screaming of the bunch on top of him

gently he stroked marks black hair while still holding his hand with his own small fingers intertwined to his comparatively giantic ones

》when the loud scary man is gone my mummy always buys me ice cream but only if i was a good boy and stayed in the closet《

he told him excited at the thought of his little trip to the ice cream parlor with his beloved mother

》we can go and get some yummy ice cream later i even have some money in my piggy so please don't cry ok?《

a adorable smile with his eyes closed into a happy moon shape spread across his little face

》movie night at renjuns is cancelled if you all don't let go of mark《

and suddenly they all sat in front of mark looking like angels

》you're invited《

his little snaggletooth was visible as little renjun smiled at the boy he was strangling just a second ago

a/n: let's all storm sm and get winwin and renjun the hell out of there

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