I m so sorry baby papa was little busy!  Shivaay said
He was so engrossed to find annika that it literally skipped from his mind that shivanya was in park and was waiting for him! 

It's okay papa she smiled looking at him!

Anika and ansh woke up! 

Here's the lunch for you both!  Shivaay came taking a plate of food! 

Anika ignored him and left for changing the clothes!  Shivaay wake ansh up! 
Shivaay had taken ansh in his lap and was feeding him when suddenly shivanya came! 

Papa it's my place she said

Ansh hugged shivaay more!

Baby ansh is too my baby!  Shivaay said

No only i m your baby!  She cried! 

Anika have came out listening their voices! 
She silently took the food plate and picked Ansh up from his lap and left to another room! 

Shivaay was hurt! Anika is not even giving him time to spend with his son!  Why the hell everything should happen with him only! He controlled his tears! 

Shivanya go and have your lunch!  Shivaay said sternly! 
Never in these  years shivaay talked to her like This!  She was sad! 
She saw anika feeding ansh!  She is craving for a mother too! 

Anika saw her and felt bad!  She made Ansh eat her food and then went to her! 

Hey shivanya have your lunch ! Anika said

I m not in mood shivanya said
Anika went to her !

Open your mouth anika said putting morsel in her mouth

I said I don't wanna have it!  Shivanya shouted

Anika glared her!  She knows how to handle jiddi bacha's even ansh know her mother This much That she don't like This kind of betmezi so he never deny his mother ! If ansh would have been here then she would have been slapped him for shouting like this ! She is not a typical strict mother but she thinks a child should know some ettiqutes and should have disciplined life and most importantly should Know how to respect elders !

Shivanya without further arguement eat the morsel!  Anika was feeding her when last bite was left!

Open your mouth only last bite is left anika said

No I m full!  Shivanya said
Only last bite for my sake!  Anika said and shivanya had it!

Good girl!  Anika said and kissed her forehead! 

Aunty plz don't go ! Shivanya requested! 
Anika's heart melted!  She smiled and pecked her forehead! 

You should sleep!  You are tired!  Anika said and made her sleep by singing lullaby!

On the other hand!

Shivaay was playing football with ansh! 

Suddenly ball hit the LCD and it broke ! 

OMM shivaay and ansh said

What's going on here anika said and she saw broken LCD!And the   Very next moment anika was running behind them taking broom in her hand! 

Muma save me!  Shivaay and ansh shouted !
OYE your muma is killing us only shivaay said

Suddenly ansh fall and shivika became panicked!  His knee was bleeding!

Shivaay picked him up while anika was countinously kissing him to soothe his pain!  Ansh was sobbing in pain!! She bandaged him and they started making ansh laugh!  In short happy family but someone was jealous seeing ansh getting attention and that was Shivanya 

She was jealous like hell to see newly came boy to sit in her father's lap!


Ansh-Muma I want to go back I don't wanna live here

Anika-What are you saying ansh !

What will be shivaay's reaction? 

How's it? 


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