Start from the beginning

Theo's thumb rubs even circles over my shaking hand, and some of the shaking and nervousness subsides. My heart swells in this moment in time, a moment that a part of me never thought would happen. When he got down on one knee and proposed so many months ago, I never thought that this moment would feel this special. Right now, at the altar, I have never felt this close to the man I love before.

Even though I wear the heels, Theo still towers over me, and I almost chuckle at the thought. Theo's turned toward the priest, who is talking about vows and the bond of marriage. He gives me the side eye, trying not to pry his attention from the man in front of us. I pull my attention away from Theo and look at the man.

We repeat after him, saying our vows, just as we had the night before. My voice shakes at one part, but I laugh it off and sniffle, pretending that it's just the overflow of my emotions.

I hear Theo say, "I do". Soon it'll be my turn.

"Do you, Hazel Hudson, take Theodore Beckett to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?" My breath becomes clotted in my airways, and it seems as if time has come to a standstill.

"I do." Theo smiles down at me, dimples appearing. His gaze spreads over the whole church before turning to me again.

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Beckett. You may kiss the bride." Theo places his hand on the small of my back and twirls me around. His lips find mine and I sigh into his mouth, probably enjoying this moment more than him. I can hear the crowd around us, their happy shouts, but I barely pay attention. I put a hand to Theo's cheek and kiss him deeper. When we break apart we're both out of breath.

"Hello Mrs. Beckett," he smiles.


The dining hall for the reception is very loud with the chatter of our guests, and I twirl the fabric of my dress between my fingers nervously. Theo's hand is in my own, and it swings back and forth. My engagement ring is almost blinding in the late afternoon sun, and Theo's band does the same. He traces my ring with one of his long, thin fingers and smiles.

"You're mine forever, darlin'. No going back now." He kisses the top of my head.

"I wouldn't dream of it." I ruffle some of the curls on his head and he scowls at me playfully.

"Ready to go meet our guests?" It's my turn to scowl.

"I'm awkward and I know almost none of the people here. I say we hop back into that limo and start our honeymoon early." He laughs, putting a hand to his chest.

"It won't be that bad. You'll see."

He takes my arm as they announce our arrival, and we walk in smiling. We walk over to our seats hand in hand, and people cheer. We sit down and everything quiets down. The music stops and the main dish is served. I watch Daisy poke at her steak with mild disinterest and laugh. I pat Theo's arm and stand. I walk over to my very small niece, who can barely see over the table in her large chair.

Toby sits next to her, arm out and ready in case she becomes adventerous. Daisy's dark, wavy hair swishes as she looks over at me.

"Aunt Hazel! You look like a princess!" I smile at her, then look to my brother. He smiles at me, that marigold smile. Nita sits next to him, having a smile of her own.

Daisy motions to be picked up, and Toby scolds her, but I don't mind. It won't matter if I get a few dirt stains on the white of my dress. I can always get them out later. My OCD can wait a few moments.

"How do you think it's going to be with three girls in the house Toby?" He glares at me, but I know that he secretly loves it. He cannot wait for his second child to arrive, and with it, more chances to play dress up and be pestered to plat fairy princess.

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