Escaping... again

Start from the beginning

"This is serious! I nearly blew up Central City. My powers may be gone now, but what if they come back? You know, escalate out of control all over again?" I looked at Nate before walking over to Sam. He continued talking as he made his way over to Tye. "What if your powers escalate? Dude, you can't even control them now!" He then looked over to me. "And what about your powers?! Sure, you're able to control them kinda sorta, but what if you lose control again?!" I looked at him but, said nothing. "Look I know Wilcox is a pain, Star is a pain. But, they're trying to keep us safe or... at least, keep the world safe from us..."

There was a moment of silence, through his words hadn't seemed to change anyone's mind. "I'm out of here," Virgil said as he began walking away.

"Oh, yeah." Tye quickly agreed.

"Adiós" Ed said as all three boys made their towards the door.

Sam and I made no move to go towards the door. Me because I was thinking and Asami, because she didn't understand. "You two coming?"

Sam and I looked at each other as she said something in Japanese. "Suimasen?" It sounded more like a question rather than an answer.

"That might mean yes," Tye said.

I looked at him before quickly correcting his mistake. "Yes is something along the lines of Hai, dork" I'm not the most knowledgeable with Japanese, but Maria watches enough anime for me to, at the very least, know something. He shrugged as both he and Ed walked behind us and led us towards the door.

Lovely to say, we were almost through the door when Nate had the not so brilliant idea to sound the alarm. "I'm sorry, but I can't let you do this." We all shared worried looks before Virgil pushed us out.

"Let's go!" 'Ok, officially Virgil is the leader of this group." Virgil was the first one to reach the door, ram into it, pull on it and finally, see that it was locked. "The alarm's put the whole place on lockdown!"

"Great, now what?!" Both Tye and I said in unison, making us look at each other. 'Ok, this just got awkward... great.' I let out a small huff in annoyance. Oh, yes, forgot to mention. This happens a lot.

"No idea." 'Did he seriously just say that? You've got to be shitting me.'

"Well, what was your escape plan?"

"I didn't actually have a chance to come up with a plan..." My eyes started to twitch. 'You have sooooo got to be shitting me.' "But... hey, Ed can teleport us out of here!"

"Haven't you been paying attention?! I can only teleport myself- and only along sightlines, which makes escaping from a windowless, locked hallway somewhat difficult!"

Virgil made a small uncomfortable noise before speaking once more. "... No problem! Tye will do his thing and take the roof off this building and pull us all out! Right?"

"Wrong! I don't know how to activate my..." He put his hands up and did some air quotation signs with his fingers."... "thing". It just happens."

He made that uncomfortable sound again before turning to me." Well, Felicity can-"

"Oh, no! Don't you even start with me, dude! You know my powers haven't been working! Plus, I can't repel something that's standing still!"

"Suimasen!" I looked at Asami before looking behind me. 'Well, that's not good!' Behind us stood three Star Lab guards, three very big guards.

"You kids need to come with us." 'Like hell, we do!'

"Don't think so," Ed grumbled before teleporting behind them. "Behind you." Asami took the opportunity to use her Chi Manipulation and knock two of the guards, Ed and herself to the floor.

"Listen! This is for your own good!"

"Heard that before!" I heard Virg say behind me before seeing a flying fire hydrant passing by my head. It hit the third guard on the back of the head, and he was now on the floor and unconscious.

We ran over to Sam and Ed, as Tye spoke. "Ok, now what?"

"No idea" The light suddenly turned off and the emergency lights came up. "It's a power outage. Hey, maybe I blew the circuit." I noticed Sam making her way to the door and immediately understood what she was gonna do.

"Guys." They all looked at us as we stood next to the open door.

"Hey, no power! No, lockdown!" They all ran to us. Tye and Ed ran out as Virgil put his hands on both mine and Sam's shoulders. "Felicity, Sam, you too are geniuses!"


"N-Never mind..." I rolled my eyes as he pushed us out.


I apologize for any bad grammar.
I'm honestly not very inspired today, so if this sucks, my apologies.

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