Chapter 15

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I decided that I was not going to go home, so that I could also finish early and get back to Jordan's house, I know he was pretty pissed off at me for prying into his business but I wanted to apologise and also check up on how he is doing for so long

*2 hours later*


The security actually let me in after I paid for an uber here, no ID or anything they opened the doors immediately for me I feel so touched, I've been here three times and I managed to remember the address wow, I brought brownies for Noah and a hot chocolate and soup for Jordan, its really nothing but I spent time making this after my shift

"Hello Madam y/n" A maid opens the door and bows that me and I look at her baffled "Madam you're older than me why are you bowing to me?" i hold her hand so she doesn't bow again "Please Aunty, I appreciate the respect but don't treat me like royalty we are the same" She smiles at me genuinely and I hold her tighter "Are you okay?" "You're a wonderful women" Her smile grows and she holds my face "Jordan is such a lucky-" "Y/n?" I hear a strong voice interrupt us from behind and I look straight to the voice

"Oh" I hold the food tighter so I don't drop it "Shall I take this for you" Me and Jordan don't break contact as he is standing on the balcony on the stairs "No no, its for jordan he's a bit sick" I bow quickly and walk up the stairs to meet jordan

"Hi" I bow nervously but I really do no know why I am acting so nervous "Hi?" He asked confused from my reception "What with th bag?" He nods over to my hands "I brought noah food and you obviously cause you're sick" "Oh" "Its nothing really" We stand and he chuckles "Why you acting weird?" "I'm not...where's Noah?" "Game room" He points over to it and we both walk together

"NOAH" He looks back from his video game and pauses it to come and hug me "You brought Noah present" The little boy asks for himself "Brownies" "ON A WEDNESDAY YAYYAYA" He scream and pulls me lower to take it "Hang on noah" I put the food on the table and take the container out and give it to him

As I look back I see Jordan already sitting down watching what is happening so I decide to play with Noah for a bit, we were playing video games together but he wanted tp focus on his food so we decided to complete a puzzle together

As we are playing a young girl approaches us "Madam Y/n, Mr Black has requested you to come into the master suit" I scrunch my face and notice Jordan had left and the food was gone too "Will Noah be okay?" "It's okay, Im hired to take care of him" She smiles and bows

I knock and enter Jordan's room and see he is at his desk typing away, and as he is so focused I decide not to interrupt him so I sit on his bed and wait for him to finish

"Why did you come back" He stops typing and stares at me "Come back?" "After your shft, you did come back to check on me or?" "Exactly you was really hot this morning so I wanted to check if you were alright" He rolls his head back and scoffs "That's new"

"Did you have the soup?" He shakes his head "Where is it?" He nods off the the side of his bed and I see it, I walk to it and get a spoon and walk over to him and he rolls out from his desk to give me space to do what I am doing

"It's really good trust me, try some" I open it and take a spoon out and feed him and he closes his eyes as his face goes red

He doesn't open his eyes for a while so I begin to panic "If you don't like I am so sorry I just put a lot of effort into this and I thought it would be okay but-" On my last sentence he opens his eyes which are now red and with that tears fall out on his face, I drop the spoon and hold his face

"Jordan" He pulls me closer so I am now sitting on him and tears roll out but he doesn't cry outlaid "Why are you crying?" I try to wipe his tears but it increases" You keep giving me memories" He wipes his tears himself and laughs "I feel like such a wimp crying infront of you" "Jorda-" "You remind me of when my mum actually cared about me, she really did once upon a time" He scoffs to himself and wipes his face then looks into my eyes 

"Why do you keep fucking me up?" 

I shake my head and look down "I'm sorry I didnt-" "Don't be sorry, I love this feeling" He holds me tight, "I'm starting to have a feeling I said I was never gonna have again" I swallow and close my eyes taking this moment in-

-I know I like him and I can't keep pushing this feeling away, but I have to do it for Alyssa cause she's my-

I decide to just be selfish and open my eyes and take his head in my hands and push his lips into mine, he instantly stands up taking me along with him and pushes me into a wall deepening the kiss, he goes full out, lifting me up so he could take me and then he carries me over to the bed but instead of carrying on he just pecks my forehead

"I've been waiting for that" He rolls off me and lies beside me "You probably gonna be just as sick as me tomorrow so you should just stay another night but this time in my bed" He holds me but I am so lost in the moment to realise what's even going on

I look to the side coming back to my senses "Why did you stop kissing me?" "Cause I am sick" He gives me a 'duh' look and I sigh "But we already kissed" "Y/n" He swallows hard "I don't mean to offend you, but you're a virgin, and erm, how can I phrase this, I dont- I mean I cannot control myself physically and mentally, fuck me I want to go down on but I am so fucked, does that answer your question?" I nod slowly trying to make sense of what he just said "A little bit" "Gets like that hun" He aggressively pushes his hair away and looks everywhere but me

He gets back on the bed and grabs his pillow and shuts his eyes facing away from me "If you're gonna go, go but text me when you're home, I am going get better so we can do that more" He says and pulls the blanket over him completely forgetting me 

"You're such a baby that's never happening again" I say in a monotone voice and he immediately turns to me as his eyes shoot open and I burst out laughing "I am going home now" I climb off the bed and get my stuff "Don't forget to finish the soup" He nods as I shout "I don't think I can get through it without crying but thanks for the try, theres a driver outside for you" I smile as I watch him go back to sleep

I walk out and without saying bye to anyone but just as I am about to leave I see his phone on the counter with several miss calls from Alyssa, which makes my stomach turn as I just went against girl code, I sigh and ignore the pit in my stomach and head home to go meet her

--------- sigh im bad at updating soz

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