Chapter 12; I don't know if you can take it

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"Why are you even here?" He puts his hair in the crook of my neck as his face brushes against mine

"My boss lives here" I shudder under his touch "So what you're sleeping with the big man now" He kisses my neck up to my lips and looks in my eyes but I didn't give into his stupid remark 

"You didn't catch me as the type of women to throw herself at a grow man" I look back into his eyes to see whether he was being serious or not "Rather him than you" I say and smile "Ouch" He steps back and holds his heart laughing and I turn my head away slowly so he cannot see my smile

"Don't look away from me" He stops laughing and gently pushes my head back to where it were before "Jordan haven't you got work or something to do or whatever" "Or whatever" He imitates me and I roll my eyes "Seriously"

"It's crazy how you know my name now, I never really wanted to touch that base yet" "Well we haven't even touched any base yet" I push his chest but he remains in the same position "Savage" "Jordan, stop" "Why won't you leave my head?" "I know you, I know your name, identity, I know what you and your family have done and still do" I look into his eyes trying to get him away from before I'm tempted to kiss him "So?" He says effortlessly "I'm, well I'm assuming the reason you didn't want me to know you name was cause I would realise who you are" No" "What do you mean no?" I mock him

"You- I mean girls can just tell by the look, the face" "Okay I didn't tell" "Cause you're not a girl" "That's why you wanted to sleep with me" He grabs me again and pushes himself onto me "Last I rememeber you didn't stop me" "I did" he brought his face close as his lips were literally about to touch mine, I close my eyes as I flinch and prepare for him to kiss me "You're not a girl, you're a women" He pushes his face close to me "Fucking sexy women" He kisses the side of my mouth then stops

"Well do you see the time, guess I have to go to work, huh?" He whispers against my lips and he shoves something into my hand and turn to leave

Once the door is shut I open my eyes and breathe out "What the hell?"' I scream at myself, why did I want him to kiss me, oh gosh I'm so weird I wanted it to happen even after what he did

I shouldn't even be upset, I'm not, Alyssa is my friend and she can be with him anyways, I'm happy for her,  very, thats her crush and I'm so selfish I can't believe I'm acting like this to her, I have to call her 

"Hello Alyssa" "Oh my gosh  I've been so worried about you, you just stormed off at the restaurant you looked so upset, what happened?" "Oh, it's nothing" "Really it didn't look like nothing" "I'm fine really" "Oh good cause for a second I thought you was upset with me, I know you're a bit upset that I didn't tell you about Jordan but I didn't know if he was legit or not, so I didn't even bother"

"Really Alyssa I would've been so happy for you, your crush that's a girls dream. How did you even meet him?" "Weirdly enough he was outside our block and I just bumped into him and we, I don't know, vibed?" "That's so cute, do you think there's a connection there" "Skye, there's definitely a connection, when he was dropping me home yesterday there was so much sexual tension it was unreal" "But nothing happened between you two?" "No it was so weird, he did say he just needed me to met his family but I think he liked me, Skye I think I have a real chance" "I'm happy for you" I say in genuine tone "Anyways, where did you sleep last night? Let me come get you" "No it's fine just at a friends I'm heading home now anyways" "Come home soon so I can tell you all about it" "I'll be there soon, bye" "byeeee"

I breathe out again when she cuts the phone and place my phone on the couch, I look in my hand to see what Jordan gave me and it looked like a phone number, and if I wasn't smart I would guess its his

I tuck it in the back on my jean pocket and hurry to the guest room to pack the things I brought and leave quickly

I know they said I can stay but I think I will just go back and stay with Alyssa


When I got home Alyssa had already made dinner which i could smell from the second I was taking off my shoes 

"I hope you slept well last night" She says breaking the silence at the table "It was alright but nothing beats your bed" "And your boyfriends" She says sheepishly "Well some of us don't have boyfriends" "I mean if you did have one" "Yeah that too" I agree and smile "And if you were thinking about me and Jordan, I haven't been to his house even" I nod and take another spoon not wanting to hear it "We haven't even kissed" She says quietly and I peep up at her to see if she was joking but she wasn't  

"Thank you so much for this, Alyssa, you go rest and I'll wash everything up" I take our plates to the sink to lift up her mood 

As I was about to start gathering the dishes at the sink. something catches my eyes from outside the window  

"Are you sure? I can do it" "NO" I turn around quickly so she stops in her tracks "I'll do it! Go have a shower, okay?" "If you say so" She shrugs and giggles at my behaviour and then turns and heads to the bathroom 

Once I hear the shower water start I quickly wear my robe and rush down the stairs to what caught my eye

I run out to the black car which was just on a minute ago but it seems that no one is even in the car, maybe I thought the wrong thing, I felt like someone was staring at me

I turn around to go back inside but I am quickly caught off guard "Looking for me?" I jump and hold my heart "Jesus" I punch him in his chest and he smirks "MISS ME" He loudly whispers and I roll my eyes "What are you doing here" "Can I not be here?" "Not when Alyssa is home" "Who said I came here for you?" He asks with a smirk and I mentally stick my tongue out at him "Fine I'll go call her down" I start to walk away but he grabs my wrist "It was a joke,"

I sigh and look up to him "Why are you really here?" "Cause one little girl has left my sexually frustrated thus causing me not to focus on my money making products" I pout "Well Alyssa told me that-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence as he entangles his fingers in my hair and pulls me forward making our lips smash together, without another thought I kiss him back giving him just as much power as he gives me 

We finally pull apart and my lips are literally on fire for wanting more "I thought that would work but I need more" He says huskily under his breath "I need to breath" I say slowly out not being able to catch my breath "I can't breathe at all" He pushes my body towards his groin so I can feel what was happening down there 

"Jordan I've known you 2 days I can't do it-" "I don't want sex trust me I just wanted to let you know this is how you make me feel" "This sounds like a you problem" "But its your fault" 

"You will find a better girl that me jordan" "Oh yeah?" He puts his neck in the crock of neck "And then what?" " She'll be cute and sexy. She'll give you what you want?" "Like?" "I don't know ? Sex?" He kisses my neck and moves up "Imagine my cock in you mouth, I'd prefer that really" He ends with a kiss at the side of my lips "That's so gross" "Mhhmmm" He pecks my lips and then my nose "You're like a drug" He says slowly whilst scanning me 

"Jordan, Alyssa is a girl who you would love" "Really, you're recommending her but hen that kiss didn't tell me so. He goes in for a one second kiss to prove his point 

"You keep forcing me to do it" I whisper out "You never said stop" "I DID" "I didn't hear" "So then maybe you should get hearing aids" "Or maybe you should say it louder over those moans" I swallow and punch his chest again "You're such a dick" He pulls my head closer and kisses me "You're my dirty little secret" "And you're mine" "So if I am a dick, I'm a good one cause you're the team player" He says and I scoff "Jordan I'm going up this conversation is going no where"

"Fine fine please listen to me" He steps in front of me as I move away "Okay, ermmm I don't do that whole dating labelling bull shit" He says defensively "Okay?" "I don't want to go on a date" "Cool" I want to walk off again but he blocks me 

"Lets hang out, tomorrow when you're free tell me you have my number if you saved it" "Thought you didn't date" "I said hang" "Whatever" "Did you save my number" "I did" "Is that so?" "Its spontaneous, we don't have to plan it as long as I'm next to you I'm happy" He says to me and I yawn "I'm tired and that was lame" "Get to bed, good night baby" "Goodnight Jordan" He hugs me and whispers in my ears "I don't do hugs either, but I can still make exceptions"


if a boy hates hugs he's don't wanna hang

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