Chapter 9;Explain

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"Dammit Skye you promised you wouldn't cry especially over a stupid boy" Tears kept pouring out of my eyes "It's just a crush it will go away. it will it will" I kept trying to make myself think so this would pass

I heard someone enter the toilets and I quickly wiped my tears and turn around to leave "What the hell get out!"I jump back  "Please let me explain" Jordan lunges towards me and I back away "You are not supposed to be here get out" I shout at him and step further away from him "Please Skye" "What do you want to explain, we aren't together, I was just a fling, funny cause I didn't even sleep with you" "I didn't say that" He said with hint of anger "But you didn't deny it!!" I screamed at him and I could feel my tears coming back up "BECAUSE WE DIDNT HAVE SEX!" He shouted and I jumped "I'm sorry" He replied how scared I got and calmed himself down 

"Get out!" I scream "Skye" He pulls me to him "Get out out OUT!" I scream even louder but it dies down as tears are running down my face and I start to hit his chest "Please skye" "Get out now!" I began to cry and said through my cracked voice "WHY AM I CRYING OVER YOU GOD DAMMIT!" I ask myself even though I know he can hear me 

"Let me explain Skye" I breathe in and look at him straight into the eyes which was a bad choice cause it made me very weak "Not sleeping with you was the best decision I ever made" His nose starts to flare and I know I made him super angry. He let go of me and looks the other way which gave me space to run out 

I sigh as I walked back to the kitchen "Boss can I get off work early please" "Why would you ask me that-" He turned around "-Skye?" He was surprised seeing my bloodshot red eyes "What happened?" "Please boss?" I blinked several times "ERm yeah you can come to mine i'll drive you" "Thanks boss" I say tying my hair back up "No problem just go grab your stuff" "I will be back" I go to the locker room to gather my stuff


basically I'm gonna do his POV !

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