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A car crash had appeared before me. People were rushing around. This is really confusing, wasn't I just at a hospital? A voice from somewhere yelled, "There's people in the car!" I scrambled to get a look. There were four people. Three kids and a woman.

"Help me get them out!" I yelled above the commotion as I grabbed the nearest person from inside the car. It was a boy, Maric. I pushed the fear and hatred from my mind and continued to pull him out. People started to swarm the car like bees. "Did someone already call an ambulance?" I yelled. The scene changed again. Swirling colors.

Time after time, the scenes changed. Each time it made me feel even more sick, but I tried to ignore the feeling since others were in more danger. So much danger. Then, at if nothing had ever happened, I appeared in my home.

"Ugh," I moaned. I felt as is I was scrambled eggs. Without warning, bile rose in my throat and I ran for the nearest trash can. "Rubi!" Mom rushed to my side and rubbed circles on my back. "Are you ok, hun?" I nodded after emptying my stomach of peanut butter cookies. "That was quite a ride," I groaned. I glanced over at the table, Peggy was out cold.

"Welp, it's time for the next test," Luke piped up. Mom glared at him, "She just threw up. Let her rest a while." "Ma, it's alright," I rasped and stood with slightly shaky legs. Ma shook her head and muttered,"I'll get you a mint."

With the taste of bile in my mouth, Luke started to explain the next test. "The next test isn't exactly a test?" he says. "I- Well, a machine scans you, and your possible powers are shown to us, as well as, the possibility of a bond with a dragon egg. The machine is right-". He shuffles and pulls something out of his bag. "-here. I just press this, you jump in. It scans you. Then, you jump out."

"Wait. Dragons?," I say and shove a left over peanut butter cookie that was on the table into my mouth. "It's just a part of the scan that shows if there's any possibility you have a bond with a dragon egg, nothing to worry about," he explains. Ma, who had walked in, handed me a mint leaf and sat down.

I swallowed my cookie and started to chew on the mint. "Of course you'd have to change schools if you have magic or have a bond with a dragon," Ma said. Why was I never told about any of this? "Anyways, let's start," Luke said. "Follow me." He opened the door and disappeared into the inky black night. The air still smelled of rain, but, gladly, there wasn't any.

With a huff, I got up and followed, Ma right behind me. She helped me as I stumbled down the steps. Luke, on the other hand, seemed to wander farther and farther away without a care in the world. The only thing I could see was a light in his hand. "Get over here," he yelled his voice distant and muffled.

Eventually, we reached him. "You're all so slow," he complained. I glared at him, "Just start the test." "Righto," he said as he poked at the gadget in his hand. Suddenly, a huge metal contraption appeared in the grass and mud. Ma and I exchanged surprised glances. "Wasn't it a lot larger and built into the ground?" she asked. "Yeah, but this is the newer version," he grinned and pressed a button. A door opened to reveal a chair and wires. "Now, hop in!"

I walked towards the opening. "Are you sure it's safe?" I asked. "It should be, so just step in," Luke responded and positioned himself towards the left side of the contraption. I stepped in and sat on the chair. The opening closed and I sat in darkness.

Nothing happened for a while, then the bright lights turned on and the wires attached themselves to my arms, legs, chest and head. I blinked a few times to adjust the the light. "Program beginning in," a robotic voice said. "3, 2, 1. Please do not remove any wires. Attributes being calculated." I glanced around, "What in the heck?" The walls were all metallic, there wasn't any visible opening other than the one I came through.

The robotic voice chimed once again, "Completed attribute calculation. Starting egg test." I laughed, what type of name is 'egg test'. This was taking less time than expected. I thought it was going to take hours, but it's been around thirty minutes. "Completed. Allowing magic to release. Completed. Printing results," the machine said.

Slowly, as if they didn't want to let go, the wires dragged off. The light switched off and the door opened to reveal my mother and Luke. He read a paper in his hands. "Let's talk inside," he said.

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