Chapter 4 - Favor

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"That's way too close!" Usagi exclaims to me.

We're in my apartment now, and she's caught me red-handed trying to put an ornament right beside another on the Christmas tree. Who knew putting up and decorating a stupid tree was so much work? I wipe the sweat from my brow with a stressful sigh.

Oh yes, we had quite an episode with this tree; what with putting up our stubborn little pine-needled friend, vacuuming up the mess it made, and leaving it to stand sideways in the holder after numerous attempts to straighten it.

But you know what? It's still one of the best moments of my life, right up there with today's shopping spree with Usagi. I take the small ornament off the branch and place it on a neglected area of the tree, and Usagi smiles in approval. I nod, reaching into the box to pull out another one of the new decorations.

"We should watch the big Christmas tree lighting in town on Christmas Eve, Mamoru," she suggests.

My heart practically bursts with the simple thought of seeing her on another special occasion. "Definitely," I agree, smiling.

"Let's promise that the night of the tree lighting, we'll meet by the bench in front of Crown… so you can see what a real Christmas tree decorating looks like!"

I just smile, thinking that nothing could be more perfect than the decorating we've been doing on our own.

I catch myself staring at her with a goofy grin and, unsure of what to do with myself, dive back into the box. "So what are we going to do with this?" I ask, pulling a long garland out of the box. And I pull. And I keep pulling. This thing is like a freaking magic trick from hell! It still does not have a visible end. Getting only a bit frustrated (and I mean that in the most sarcastic tone I can muster), I pull the rest of the garland out with one large heave and toss it to the ground. "Damn!" I swear, but I can't help but laugh as I'm surrounded with green stuff.

Usagi covers her mouth and starts laughing so hard tears well up in her eyes. "I think we’re done decorating. You look like a Christmas tree yourself!" she giggles, placing an ornament on my left ear.

I chuckle. "I think I'm a better-looking tree than what we have set up, wouldn't you say? At least I'm standing up straight."

She nods with another laugh and helps unravel the seemingly endless garland from my body. I stand there, watching her, and can't think of a time where I've had even half as much fun with someone. She truly is an angel on Earth.

The entire time she's been here I've been waiting for the perfect time to tell her my feelings… but, alas, the time has still yet to come. We're too busy laughing, and the last thing I want to do is confess to her like, "Hey! (giggle, giggle) Betcha' didn't know... (hysterical laugh) ...I like you a whole lot! (roaring with laughter) ...Didja?"

Yeah. No.

I'm beginning to get a bit anxious now; the tree is set up, almost completely covered in ornaments, and it's getting late. I know Usagi will have to leave soon, but I made it one of my goals for today to tell her I love her at a moment that feels right. So I’ll try and create a 'right' moment, and get Usagi to stay a bit longer. "Want some hot chocolate?" I ask her.

Usagi nods happily, and I walk into my kitchen to get the tea kettle. As I'm filling it with water, I can only smile at hearing the blonde beauty humming Christmas carols in the next room. It feels wonderful to have company at my place for once, and I'm ecstatic that that company is her.

Already missing being in the presence of the girl, I set the kettle on the stove quickly and scramble back into the living room. She was just finishing up with the ornaments and quickly getting up to the one I wanted to put in a special place. Before she picks it up, I say “wait,” softly, and approach her.

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