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Natasha came to a stop on the driveway as Lexy threw the door open and flew right through it as her mother quickly steped on  the brakes.


"The rest went unheard as Lexy walked through the Hunter house as she almost knocked Mrs. Hunter down .

"oh sorry mom..."she started but stopped mid sentence when her right ear stung from pain.The unbeatable pinch of her mother.The woman should go down in the Guinness book of records for them .

"Ouch !mom don't pinch not two anymore"she said swatting her mothers hand away .

She wisely moved from her walking backwards till she hit a brick wall and stumbled.As she struggled to maintain her balance a foot appeared out of nowhere tripping her .she landed on her bottom .

A raspy sound caused her to raise her head to two large size thirteen feet,then further to a chiseled chest she could actually eat out of.Her breathe caught in her throat .

"Hey princess Mikey,my face is up here."

she raised her glance to a pair of twitching lips which were trying not to smirk.

"and oh please breathe "


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Lexy(pov )

"You little devious tweep son of el deblo....."

"Young lady!Language,Natasha scolded.

"Mom i swear its him,not even one full day in and his influence is already rubbing of on me"i said smiking at River

"so you are willingly suggesting that i separate you two right?"

"No!Hell to the no!River and I said in unison.

Mrs Hunter (samantha) looked at us amused with the same lip -twitching-thing that River has.'crazy genetics'

"so i suggest  you behave ,"she said kissing my forehead "And you watch your tongue around my daughter,"she continued hugging him.

"yes ma'am"

Mom walked out heading to work.She owned the animal clinic in Creekton (better known as creep)town .She was the best vet there was too,some connection to animals .

As she walked out i pounced on river sending us both to the floor.Our usual wrestling game as we almost broke a vase.

"Ahem !"Samantha cleared her throat and we both stood up and took a step away from each other.We looked at the floor with looks of 'angels fallen from grace'

Samantha raised a perfectly shaped brow looking amused
"Oh please spare me am immune to that look by now"she said pointing at the back door.

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