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Mom wasn't there not ever when I need her the most.That was bitchy,shouldn't say that.I mean she has been there for me all of my almost seventeen years alone no complaints. Besides where was my dad need to ask her that.
Gosh how do you act when the one person you need to talk to is the one that hurt you?

Am talking like one of those crazies in a white puffed up room.Guess looking at the water for too long and not having River beside me makes me all wise and stuff.

Wise huh?couldn't even tell my best friend since diapers was a wolf,I mean the signs were there.How he could find me when no one else could, his strength, the speed.

I turned when I felt a huff of air beside me meeting two very dark eyes a muzzle and dark brown wolf.But thing is I wasnt scared.And smelled like River too.I thought as I touched his nose and he whined.

"I know big guy...he hurt me too.I mean how could he hide someone as special away from me.At least you wont hurt me right,"I told the wolf as I cried.
I moved closer and cuddled to it feeling safer than I had ever felt before.Slowly I fell into a deep sleep.

* * * *

River pov

I noticed when she relaxed against me and fell asleep. Then I was able to change back into my human form and just hold her.
My heart stopped beating for a minute when I looked at her.

" beautiful, even when you cry.But love I dont want you crying over me.Even though the tears stuck to your eye lashes are like diamonds glittering in the sun."
I held her till she started coming to.
"Hey beaut..,"I started but stopped when a hot slap landed on my cheeck.
"Dont you dare finish that sentence when you have lied to me all our lives!!!! How could you? "She told me with tears in her eyes then continued"wait...why are you nude?"

"Am not naked!! okay I am but not for the reason you think.When we shift back from wolf w-"

"Oh so now you feel like explaining! !"she interrupted as she shouted at me.
"Come on Lex...I was just scared,"as I looked down, and finished in a low voice" of what you would think of me."

"It wouldn't matter Riv...cause its you that I have always seen,"she said in such a low voice that I thought I was imagining it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2017 ⏰

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