"For sure. Hey, I saw you two talking earlier, and it looked like you were super surprised. What was that about?" Mona asks me, suddenly serious.

"Well, Tommy was telling me that it was quite obvious that I like you, just from the way that I look at you. He proceeded to be way too wise for a three year old in the realms of love. How much of that stuff do you tell him?" I say, curious why she cared.

"All of it. But I never knew that he was that observational, being three and all. That's very off putting and slightly disconcerting." she says, head resting on my shoulder.

"I agree with you wholeheartedly. Now, shall we save Aria from Tommy or watch from afar?" I say, intertwining our hands.

"I think Tommy needs to talk with me and you need to talk to Ari before Steph makes us leave." my girlfriend says, removing her head from my shoulder and running over to the jungle gym, where they're playing.

"Jackson! I need to talk to you over there, now." Ar says, jumping off the jungle gym and pointing to the swingset.

"Ok." I say, pulling my hand away from Ramona's and racing Aria to the swingset. She wins, sadly. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

"Well, I just need to give you a very basic warning about you dating my best friend-" Ari says, sassily.

"Break her heart and I break your face. Treat her right, or I will beat you up. Hurt her, I hurt you 50 times harder. Aria, I've been telling that to people since the 7th grade about dating her. Trust me, I won't do any of those things to her, ok?" I interrupt, slightly annoyed that she felt it necessary to tell me this.

"Oh yeah, you two were just best friends back then. Right. You were so overprotective of her that people started shipping it." Aria says, confused.

"Yep. And now, as much as I hate to admit it, Trey was right- we are a stereotype. After all, there's a bunch of shows out there with a boy and a girl. Boy and girl start hanging out. Boy and girl develop feelings for each other. Boy and girl start dating. Boy and girl fall in love. Then, boy and girl either break up and never speak to each other again, or boy and girl get married, have children, and get a spinoff series focused on said children. Circle of TV. Watch Boy Meets World." I say.

"For 1990s TV, I prefer to watch Full House." Aria says, chuckling.

Ramona POV

Sitting on the jungle gym with Tommy, he says, "I always thought that you and Jackson would end up together. In some weird, twisted way. Every Friday, you would walk to school how you were walking around the playground earlier, and you two would blush a little, then continue moving on with your day as if neither of you had feelings for the other. It started becoming something that he looked forward to, and, from what I can gather, so did you. That is how I can say you two are going to get married someday."

"Did Arianna tell you to say that? Because, Tommy, we're only fifteen, Jackson and I. We just started dating 30 minutes ago. How can you say that?" I ask, surprised. This is such a weird thing that Tommy just said, mainly because he's three.

"No; she didn't tell me to say that, but I did overhear it from her. She says she can't wait to be your maid of honor. And I can say that because I see the way you two look at each other, and it's so sweet it's sickening, because neither of you knew about it, even though everyone else did. You two are this generation's Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse and I think I say this for everyone, it's adorable."

"Tommy, I'm going to be honest here: You are three years old. It's slightly disconcerting that you're so wise in the realms of love." I say.

"I'm aware of my age, Ramona. I know so much about love and dating because that's a constant in our house. The fact that everybody spills their guts to me also helps." he says, but he looks preoccupied.

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