Engineered Empress Part 21

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Chapter 21

Everything hurt! A nauseous Bia woke up, she leaned over and purged her body. Pain stabbed her body so strong, she slipped back into unconsciousness. The next time she woke up, cold hands stroke her face.

"Hey there, take it slow." Bia tried to open her eyes, but one wouldn't open, she saw another young woman, sporting the remnants of bruises on her face and throat. She wore a dirty excuse of a ship suit and held a cup of water to her lips. Bia was only able to take tiny sips. Her lips were split and swollen.

"Ceri? Can you hear me?" she thought.

"Yes Bia, I am here. I dispatched all cells to repair the injuries you sustained. I will need a bit more time until my cells can do anything else. You have several life-threatening injuries I need to fix first. Damon and Zar don't know where you are or how to find you. I lost communication with the DOA and you are in an independent vessel, I can't communicate with at this time." Ceri's sounded frantic and afraid for her.

"Tell the boys I am fine for now and I try to find out where I am." The woman held out the cup again and Bia nodded, then groaned at the movement.

"Thanks." Bia looked around. It was a small cabin with a single bed and a tiny desk. The brunette woman sat beside the bed and waived her thanks away.

"Don't mention it. What is your name? Where did they grab you?"

"Bia. My name is Bia and last I was on Keplar III. And you? What is going on?"

"I am Valerie, I got snagged with others on Augustine. That's a while ago. Only thing I know is we are all transported to be sold. I was the only woman and they isolated me in here. Then two nights ago you turned up. I didn't know if you would make it though." "How long are you here, Valerie?" Resignation and dread filled her voice, Bai couldn't see tears in her eyes though.

"Just call me VaI, please. I am not sure but at least 8 weeks."

"How can't you know for sure?"

"They don't keep schedules at all, and I don't have an internal clock. They keep me alive have their fun and occasionally let me shower. The only thing they told me is you were a cheap acquisition and for me to keep you breathing. Or else!" Val spat the last words, hate and hopelessness darkening her features. Bia tired out while talking and squeezed Val's hand and slipped back into sleep.

"Bia, you need to wake up. I need you to eat anything and drink more water to repair further your body. I said WAKE UP!" Ceri screamed at her.

"Shh... not so loud please." Val looked at her as Bia awoke moaning. "But I didn't say anything. What are you talking about?" Not quite sure how to answer Bia shrugged.

"Oh, hello Val. Did I talk in my sleep again?"

"You said something, alright."

"How long was I out?"

"About half a day, I guess. They came and brought food for us, or at least that's what they call that." She mentioned to an ugly mush in a bowl and a bottle of water beside another empty bowl. Groaning Bia sat up and went for the bowl. It was simple protein mush and although it lacked taste is wasn't too horrible. After finishing her bowl and the water Bia looked at Val with alertness.

"Okay if we want a chance of escaping, I need to know what we are dealing with. Val, were you ever outside this cell? How many people are on board? What kind of ship is it? Can you tell me anything about our situation?" Val thought about it.

"I met at least five men but I 'm not sure that are all of them. We are in a cabin beside other cabins. The bath is also on this floor. We are about a month out from where we are going to be sold, the boss told them to stop leaving marks on me. No clue where that is though. I was snatched from Augustine with four other men. They are held in the cargo space." Bia nodded and asked.

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